first of all before i start… i need to apologise… i wanted this review to be up really quickly & before people could see the film, however my lap top has been so slow & just like nah for the last 10 days & today is the first time its cooperating. I did try to type this up on my phone, but i realised 2 paragraphs in that not having a keyboard was slowing me down, so i have waited for my lap top to work. Plus i have been super busy recently too. Right sorry about that peoples lets do this.
Opening day viewing of a marvel film hasnt happened since Ragnarok, but here i am going to go & see doctor strange at a sold out showing. I was pre warned a couple of weeks ago to mute it all so nothing was spoiled for me so im going into this relatively well uninformed, which for me is good. Yes i did remember to mute stuff on my actual real page other than just my film one, wont be making that mistake again.
So as i said early it was sold out, its the most people ive seen at a cinema since it all re opened & that includes Dune, Bond, Spiderman & Belfast. There isnt one seat thats empty at all. The highlight tho is the group of teenagers that walked in… as the avengers AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH we gave them a standing ovation & all cheered the guy dressed as Strange was last & he wa moving his cloak & loving life. Well done kids, proper end game vibe here.
Trailers, Love & Thunder… the whole place went oooooooooooooh at the end of it, Jurassic World again excited cheers for the original three, Top Gun trailers been out a while, Light year some applauding & then Avatar. The room went silent for Avatar. Im not an avatar person i really am not, so im sorry but im not bothered by going to see it. They can keep it. Good trailers all the big stuff for the summer of cinema…
& then the film started… & it was good, I mean were not talking Captain Marvel, Guardians or Winter soldier but its still good, but it just tried to hard.
The Cumberbatch is always epic. I think ive said that enough in the last couple of years that you all understand that the man could pretend to be in bin bag or a rock & still have a lot of charisma & be the star. However there were points in this film were there was so much going on & so many little bits that it felt strange was the secondary character in his own movie, which is actually amazing.
The did the dirty on Wanda… i am not over that. I am really pissed off on that, everything we learnt & all shes been though & you did that to her.. nah marvel you dont get away with that.
We have all spent so long learning about the multiverse & catching up on stuff that we thought we needed from Loki & spiderman but nahhhhh like 2 references to in it the entire film from those parts. Whats the point of all of this marvel if we dont need it. I was sitting there going hang on when’s that going to come in & then it didnt. I mean you still need to know stuff from the tv shows there was one bit that ive missed that i didnt see, but at least it wasnt like the guy next to me who at one point told his girlfriend to wait for the credits to ask her questions. Not for a casual mcu viewer.
It really wanted to be horror, i could tell that, but the house of mouse & all of that stopped it fully on going for it. There were a couple of jumps but not enough to make you go oh god no or ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. There was one variant where i was like i should be applauded by this, so why am i attracted to it….
Its in the trailers so… The Illuminati… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im glad i muted everything ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh & then after all of that just that & then nope. Seriously. I mean im guessing that sets up the end of phase 4 doesnt it & explains a couple of other MCU announcement recently & why stuffs moved, but still. That was worth the muting.
It was nice not to have an almost 3h mcu film, however it did at times feel a little bit rushed, there were some powers & people i wish we knew a bit more about or maybe we could have done a bit more multiverse jumping. Maybe an extra 5mins would have done. When it did build on that it was good but it could have been more. Some of the ways things were made up & styled were just lush.
Not enough jokes like the first, it was a little to serious at points which you know considering we are hopping all over the universe could have been more fun with that.
2 credit scenes, very happy to say no one left before the first & about 10 left before the end one, which is good.
I did enjoy it & it is a solid part of the MCU, there is a lot worse, but there are a few that are much much better than it. Im still not over them doing a dirty on Wanda tho, i think that will always mark this film down in my own opinion.