Will try not to spoil this for various reasons, if i do my bad.
This is a film that is a victim of being what it is. It had a very limited UK release. All 4 days of it before uncharted came out & then it was only really really art house cinemas & places in London that showed it. Not even my two local cinemas had it. I think the Duke of Yorks (thats one of our cinemas by the way) had it on a wednesday at 1pm, i mean thats not helpful at all really. So when i heard it was coming straight to netflix 6 weeks later that was a right save the date.
All i had heard was good things about it & then when he got bafta nominated it was a case of oh hurry up netflix please. So i saved it for my friday night new movie viewing spot. & then my sister messaged me the night before going, have you seen boiling point, ive just seen it on netflix. She saw it before me, i mean im proud good on her, but she had to keep quiet for 24 hours.
Oh it was worth the wait it really really was. It was so intense & there was so much going on & it was brilliant. Everyone got a chance to shine, it was brilliant.
Im going to say now without ruining it that neither myself or my sister thought the ending was correct & should have ended differently. This is a problem with quite a few films at the moment, we add additional drama & something random just before the end to ramp it up even more. I mean im sure there are some people out there who think the ending is good & fine, but nah that was my one complaint.
Stephen Graham is like our little underdog in the uk, you want something done well & edgy you get Stephen in. & he deserved his bafta nomination. 1000000% . I mean its not Will Smith in King Richard, but it was bloody brilliant & i believed everything he went through. It was a very special performance in deed.
The rest of the cast were amazing too, be it a chef or waitress or guest. Everyone was on point, down to the point where i got pissed off with people too & their attitudes to certain thing or the way they behaved, which for some of them we only meet for like 2 minutes but you automatically feel for them or want to punch them.
This isnt a film, its a play, because it it done in one shoot. One Continuous shoot. Oi Sam Mendes this is how you really really do it. & its so clever to not be in one place for too long & to move around the restaurant & move onto the next person. Its brilliant & so well done.
Theres someone in it whos a complete Dick, even more so than the “Influencers” in it. He does my head in more than them & thats saying alot.
The way without noticing you realise the restaurant is slowly filling up from like 2 tables to about 30 in a matter of minutes. Really well paced & really well designed to do it like that & get all those people in without really noticing.
Maybe its growing up in a family that caters & then working in it for a few years too, that you watch everything that goes on it that kitchen & the front of house & realise how delicate & on edge it really is. So maybe i need someone whos not been in that background to watch this film & tell me what they think.
Of course the hygiene inspector turns up on the busiest night for restaurant in the year, typical. I mean i know that does randomly happen but that was just like oh fucking drama already the hell.
The moment a couple of things are said you know shits going to go wrong later but not to the extent that it actually does. But it was clever that it waited a long time before stuff happened.
It was really intense & brilliant to watch. I recommend this to everyone to have a watch on netflix you wont regret it. Perfectly paced, stunning performances & just cleverly done. It really did feel like i was apart of service. I cant say anymore than this other wise i will spoil it for you all.