The day is here
For those of you who dont know (& lets be honest its been a while) April 3rd is a very significant day in my film world. April 3rd was the day i published my first review (have double checked that as i want on a different page to this one) & then for 2 years in a row the best film i saw which won my golden buzzer happened to be on April 3rd & then the next year the film was in my top 5. However for the last 2 April 3rds cinemas have been shut due to covid. However this year they arent. So i am going to end my sunday night at the cinema watching a film on Popcorn for one day. Happy days.
So when i saw the first sonic film i was like meh & then the final fight happened where he used all his powers like in the game & then Jim Carey going bald & the Tails reveal, i was just like yep my inner 5 year old is so happy, bring on the next one. So here i am, hoping that its going to continue in the vein of the end of the first film & give us original fans of the game exactly what we want again… please is that too much to ask.
I mean i really have put the pressure on you sonic havent i. Youve got to match the spirit of the end of the first film, youve got to live up to the game & your on April 3rd… yeah good luck you little blue hedgehog (your marketing has been good tho).
So theres two groups of older teenagers, but other than that everyone was millennials. There was a family of 5 with 3 millennial kids & their 2 parents who obviously like us used to play the game as a family too. Proper nostalgia that.
Even tho it was an adult only showing we still had kids adverts, Secrets of Dumbledore (yes) downton (nope) top gun (yes) & Lightyear (yes) not a bad set. One person actually at the end of the Lightyear trailer actually said outload, thats not for kids, thats for us millennials & there was a collective hmmm yeeea reply from everyone. So Cineworld Brighton an adult only showing of Lightyear really would be appreciated.
& then the film started… I mean were not talking film of the year contender, but a vast improvement on the original. Did they actually listen to us gamers from the first film & what we said we liked, cos it felt like they did.
As i said about the tease of Tails had me sold. Tails was always who i played as on the multiplayer with my dad. He would do all the hard stuff as sonic & i would be tails flying about & being clever. I was so glad he got his time to shine & that hes got the same voice as his game version at the moment, that was a nice touch. I was just so happy at that.
& then uncle Idris as Knuckles. I mean he was good, he was very sinister, but there were some moments when he said stuff & i was like, hang on wheres Idris? & then remembered he was knuckles. Im glad knuckles had the correct character arch too.
There were so many bits from the games, i was in nerd heaven. The jewels were back, there was a big labyrinth with a load of traps in which were all ones from sonic 2 & 3 (one of which when it appeared, i had flashback too & was like ahhhh that always killed me when i played). & the grand finale something is constructed which is like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. & then the water reference, i bloody loved that. If you havent played the games you just wouldnt get it. Shame it didnt have the panicked countdown music to it.
It actually went SEGA duh duh duh before starting the film, my 5 year old self was so happy.
Jim Carey was Crazy Jim which was brilliant, so off the hinges. It was epic. Proper going for it & being a real mischief. I loved it. & im so glad the coffee guy was back & that he had the lair. There are so many easter eggs in that coffee shop, im going to have to re-watch it when it comes out & be like ahhh that was there. I saw 3 but i know theres a load more.
I know we had to get his humans out the way for shit to go down, but the whole wedding thing was very random & longer than we needed. I mean yes it did ultimately help, but as an adult i knew where it was going still. A kid i can see being like hahaha at that but as a cinephile, i knew exactly what was going to happen at it.
There are some bits in this for your kids still dont worry about that. The dance off, the being home alone & some of the jokes are very corny & theres some flossing & some other random shiz that happens which does remind you this is for kids. A couple of jokes are repeated too, which on the 4th time we all went urgh but at a kids screening that would still get a laugh. They did get rid of the whole oh what would sonic be like with an ipad or being a little kid thing which was nice.
Blue Justice, hahaha. Someone actually on the way out said yea id trust him more than Affleck or Patterson Batman which i laughed at.
Good life lessons too for kids about being patient & wait to achieve your potential & dont just do it because you can do it because its right.
One mid credit scene, which after the references to the final battle, was very clever & someone sis actually shout out in the screening ahhh i still play as that & about 6 people went wooohooo. So yea good tease that.
So sonic 2 had me sold on a sonic 3 before the credit scene. They had learnt there lesson & listened to what we wanted from the original. I mean they did listen in the first place all those years ago as they redesigned sonic didnt they. But i had a blast in fact most of the audience did, which for an adult only screening is always good. Sonic 3 i am up for you. IF you played it you will really really like this, on a nerdy level.