I understand why this is everyones worst MCU film, i do. However we get a lot of Loki… so im not going to complain about that. Yep time to go into the dark world which has so many flaws & random shiz going on that the only thing worth concentrating on is Loki (i mean even if he wasnt Tom hes still the most consistent person in the film).
Tom Hiddleston as Loki being a sarcastic little bratty bastard is the best part of this film (& id just like to remind you all that i think Loki is the least attractive of all of Tom Characters {i know some of you are shocked by that}). The way he moans & is bratty & is still trying to get up to shit even though everyones is like nope loki dont do that or we will kill you i love it. Every single second of it. Even vulnerable Loki when his mum dies & hes left in the cell & he feels a little guilty. It shows the range of our man & he is soooooooooo good in this film.
As is Christopher Eccleston. People moan that the Dark Elves are a bit meh, but thats because they dont get as much screen time as a villain really should. What Christopher does in his role is bloody good & we really could have learnt a lot more about him & his people & why his powers worked, but overall with what hes given he bosses it. He really does & that need applauding.
The main downfall with this film is the lack of chemistry between Portman & Hemsworths Jane & Thor. The only time they ever look like they have feelings for each other are when she slaps him across the face & the end credit scene, which to some of your shock im sure, isnt actually Portman. Its Hemsworth wife & she had finished filming & gone back to America, so it wasnt even here. Considering saving her life from the reality stone was such a huge deal & plot line for the film, its madness that neither of them still have a connection after all these year.
Too many side kicks as well, im sorry but there are too many. Jane has 3 now instead of 2 who show up when the plot needs them too & her random date (yes Chris O’Dowd). Plus the warriors 3 & lady Sif, again when they need to be a distraction really because lets be honest Thor could kill bloody everyone, he just takes them with him so they can share the glory. Its a lots of bit parts that by the end of the 2nd film we should feel much more attached too, who really dont actually affect the plot that much. I understand they are all in the original source material i get it, but really?
Then theres the real plot hole. I know hes a super hero & i town its a story of fiction but THAT IS NOT HOW YOU GET TO GREENWICH!!!!!!!!!!
First of all hes on the wrong tube line to get there if hes going by tube, & its a 30 min walk or 10 min bus after that to get to time. He should actually be on the DLR to get there or a river boat (much easier). & if it was that many stops on the tube (as someone who uses that line) that still will take a while. They are big gaps between them. Also he had no ticket how did he get off at the other end & you cant say magic, he hasnt got his hammer at this point its off flying about everywhere. Cant you see that bit pisses me off.
Its Thor hes wavign his hammer around & everything, is the perfect line. It so would be me. I mean i have since watchign this film gone to Greenwich & yelled this in the square (becuase you have to be a student to get into the libary) but still it had to be done.
Why is anthony hopkins so poorly used in these films. Its a fucking crime. He turns up blurts some exposition, says no, is moody watches his wife dies, then turns into Loki. Its like Idris, at least he gets to do something in this one a little but its not enough. Sir Ken picked all these brilliant actors for these films in the first & then no one knew how to use them properly.
When Loki goes Tadah when he gets them through the secret passage i love that.
Friggas death isnt as emotional as it should be (other than breaking loki) but her funeral is bloody stunning & magnificent. All the magic & lights & fire & ahhhh its beautiful. How can a film with not much soul in it deliver something so perfect half way through.
All the battles are not good. I know things becoming a dark world means things are going to get dark, but still its just a bit gloomy at points. Lokis stab off is bloody epic just slicing people up.
Every time someone dumps exposition half way through its thrown away or interrupted or theres a really cheep joke afterwards which is like really. I need to know why this is all happening & what i could mean for the state of the universe, but no Erics got to have no Pants on, or Janes got to have a side comment. Sometimes an exposition dump is needed quite seriously movie, please. It would make the script & story much better.
Also finding out in a mid credit scene, that we are after the infinity stones, & that lots of people want them all is a bit of a weird place to dump that. Something so key & important in the whole series & you just randomly do it with a collector who wants them all & just leave it at that. This was also at a point where people didnt stay for the credits of the MCU or were just starting to. Imagine missing that, urgh.
No one seriously noticed Odin sitting funny at the end or that the one piece of wisdom Thor receives in 2 films doesnt come from his dad but his brother?! Seriously? Why didnt people pick that up. Its bloody obvious. Loki never bloody dies.
Im not gonna lie this film is a hot mess. It is. Theres no denying that. It wants to be fun, but its too leads dont have chemistry & we lose plot points for jokes that dont land. Thank godness for Tom as Loki to save the day. Thats why i rewatch this film. There is no other reason to.