Im going to try & do this like a Cinema Club review so if i spoil it my bad (however it is real life so).
I know nothing about I Love Lucy, other than the fact it was Hollywood’s grate tv era back in the day & it was watched by a fuck ton of people every week. I know nothing else, so i was really hoping i was going to learn a lot more about them & all of that, so lets watch this shall we, see if i get an education.
First of all who spells Ricardos like that… Seriously… As someone whos phone & fingers default to Ricciardo due to the legend that is Daniel, spelling it like this really freaks me out a bit. My fingers didnt like typing it at all.
So its about Communism then this film & how it threatened peoples lives back in the day, okay i was not expecting that. It started off like it was a huge thing & then it just jumped back into it when the film thought wed best remined people that its all about this.
There is no denying that Kidman & Bardem are good in this, & i can see why they are up for awards all over the place, but both felt like they were struggling to keep up with it all at times. They are both meant to be in command & in charge & have this power over all the Hollywood & the lawyers & the co stars & the writers, but there were times watching it when i just didnt believe it & though oh your over acting here, thats not good.
There was also a point where Kidman, in order to make her look like the person she was playing had a very made up white pristine face down to her neck & then the outfit she was wearing you could see her natural skin colour underneath. That wasnt good & then it happened in another couple of scenes later on & once youve noticed it the first time when it happens again its a bit like oh really.
All the big long speeches everyone had at points to get a main point across went on such a tangent else where to then become something so much more important, that by the time they got to resolving the original issue you were like i dont car about that issue now can we resolve the rest of them.
I like that it was split into the days of the week leading up to the shows recording, that was good & it was nice to see how everyone & the script & the show evolved, a bit more of that & a little less business, eating disorders would have been better. I liked when they over thought the script as to how it would go it was in black & white that was nice, like its a forward memory.
The flash backs were good to show how the relationship between the two of them in real life played out, however there were points in the now where i was sitting there going hang on is this now or is this a flash back. Also at no point really in the flashback do we really see the affairs happening or any idea other than 2 bits of a new paper that there was an affair. Im guessing if you lived through that time you would no.
I was so disappointed that it started off being peoples recount of the story, like a documentary of sorts. Mainly because a)it wasnt consistent throughout the film & only did it randomly & b)it was actors playing them not the real people. unless they were making a film of the documentary from years ago that made no sense at all, it was really odd. Either be a documentary film with flash backs or tell us a story dont do all of that at once.
That was like the worst crowd warm up for a tv show ever, & its want about her, it was for him & his ego & that pissed me off quite a bit. I get that that was the point but still. I wasnt happy with that.
The last shot going up from the rafts was amazing cinematography with the filming going on bellow. Lush.
for people of this era who watched this growing up i can see that they would have loved it, but as someone who did, with it trying to be to many things at once, i was a bit oh okay then. I mean everyone was good at acting but it just wanted to be three things at once, which it failed in all of them at some respect. More table readings & actually putting on a show would have been nice rather than everything else i tried to get into it.
Worth a watch for the acting in it but not much else.