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Im out saturday so ive moved this MCU viewing forward, im also feeling a bit crap today & all i want to do is sit on my sofa in my brand new Captain America hoddie & watch films, so with that all in mind, its Time to meet Captain America & Bucky & all the fun that comes with them & see what we get. MCU athon… continue…

This was a filler back in the day of the MCU it really was, to get shield more involved & get us to the Avengers Assemble movie, but now you look at it & you see exactly where it fits in the MCU & it was stupidly over looked & was under hyped. I mean it is the weakest of the 3 Cap movies, but there are some parts of the MCU which are deemed so much more important than this now which are so much worse.

Casting Chris Evans who was already Johnny Storm in Marvel, was deemed a huge risk too. The cocky jock & weird chested guy, was going to be Captain America… It was met with loads of WTAF from people. He is perfect as young naïve Steve in this. I mean the face on that body to start with making him so small & skinny is very weird. I mean the reveal works perfectly half way though but still, its a little odd. He really does seem so frustrated throughout most of act 1 & the start of act 2 which would so be the case & then kapow he goes for it & bosses it. He is brilliant as Cap & i know ive seen the rest of the MCU after this, but i did see this before winter soldier, ooooh he is so good as being og cap & is so loyal & really will do everything to protect everyone. Brilliant casting.

Hayley Atwell as Peggy is good do. I mean i love how her touching his chest, was just her actual reaction too seeing Chris Evans without his shirt on… same girl same… Here jealousy as well is adorable & then that she wants to try & help whatever. Bless her, she was perfect for him there & then.

Tommy Lee Jones as the army chief isnt to be ignored either. Lots of exposition in his part to get you though stuff. But he has some brilliant comic lines which just break the tension & mood at times, something the MCU is forgetting it need to do in the here & now in 22/23, remember we dont all have to be serious peoples.

Hugo as Red Skull, i mean petrifying then & he was so dark. & i love he had his own agender so much more than just world war 2 & using all of that as his advantage. I mean its bad to type that but its true. Im sorry but that is true of the character. & then his eventual “death” as well was so cool & like ahhhh. The MCU went all out on it.

Then we have the main side kicks, Seb, Dom & Toby. All brilliant, fantastic actors, who owned their roles & just brought so much to it. & then dont forget theres also the Tucci & Armitage & Dorma in this as well just as bit parts. I mean what a stacked acting movie. Considering this was a filler to move the plot forward, it was full of amazing actors who bossed it & owned it. I mean everyone got to be a shock or an omg moment now in the MCU but here, it was like playing that DiCaprio meme of pointing at who was in this film. They just kept coming… oh & Jackson as Fury at the very end too.

The actual transformation into a chase scene, is brilliant. ITs so clever, you know somethings up but you dont know who its going to be & whos going to die & whats going to go down. I love it & that submarine at the end. So cool & sets the style for the rest of the movie.

The train scene is deemed by others as the best part of the film as what it means for the rest of Caps story & Bucky, but i think its the rescue of everyone before that. Everyone assumes they arent making it back alive but they do & its so cool that they do. We also have the villain hero original show down & the reveal as to red skull. Its gloriously marvel & it just works. Yes Bucky loses an arm on the train & everything else linked to that, but its not the rescue.

He so would have been made to go keep the spirits going if they didnt trust him to do his job wouldnt he. As much as it was helping others sign up it must have been gutting.

Getting vibranium woohoo, nice frisbee.

I like how it was all filmed with that yellow filter at points & it was all so basic & brown & dingy to make it feel like it was during the war. It was a nice touch to make it feel authentic.

Leaping on the grande, & getting the flag, proved his worth it really did. I love that when films do make you route for the underdog, i mean we always knew he was going to become cap & have that glow up transformation. But we still needed to see he was pure in heart, from the very start & that he was worthy.

The finale isnt the best if im honest, i mean i get the sacrifice & the fish out of water in the modern world, but still. The crashing & freezing & only finding the tesseract for the majority of the time was a bit like they needed to think up a reason to keep him so out of action for so long. Considering the rest of the film set up this amazing end, it just felt a little bit oh okay then. But the line “but i had a date…” still makes me go awwwwwwwww Cap bless you.

I love how Starks stuff all just keeps malfunctioning too, proving that it wasnt always perfect & worked first time. & also the stark expo… haha

Its a bloody good pure comic book film, it makes you laugh & go ahhh & jump & has some shocking moments & also the hero wins but doesnt win if that makes sense. Its definitely a very very good MCU film. Its not Captain Marvel or Guardians or Black Panther, but its the tier below that for sure. ITs well worth a watch as a film on its own without the rest of the stuff you have to watch, as a stand alone, not just within the MCU.

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