I will try not to spoil this, mainly because its only out in the UK today.
Now this almost made my list for 2022, but didnt due to not wanting most of my list to be the award season bate, i decided not to. & then when i saw it was one of the films not being moved to march, i was like yes, somewhere will show this & i can be so happy & emotional watching this. So wheres the nearest cinema showing Mass near me for the next 2 weeks, a 2hour drive away, not even the close side of london or the middle of it. Ridiculous. However thank god for Sky Cinema & now having NOW TV for the next month. So im going to watch it & try not to comment to much on it.
I mean theres not much to say if im honest, its 4 people talking about grief & loss & how it effects them in so any ways & how its grown to define them & their lives & how they cant move on. Its a very very hard watch.
There were points where i was watching it & i felt like i was intruding on something really personal & had to remind myself that i was watching actors & not a documentary. It was so personal & so highly charged & emotional. It was acting at its finest & it just flowed & worked.
The flowers, both as a placement & then at the end of the film were so important. When films get little things like that which shouldnt cause a fuss at all but end up being an issue, thats when the film knows about the real world & how normal people live & effect them.
The story telling was wonderful, but not as powerful as the moments reflection & remembrance. When films do that, you think about people youve lost & it just ruins you it really really does. I was a blubbering wreck & had to pause it to go & find more tissues.
The justifications on both sides were so powerful & the way they talk about their kids & familys & the signs & what happened is just so painful to watch. I am not a parent & i dont live in America, so have no idea what anyone like this has gone through. But i felt the raw pain & emotion running through it.
Forgiveness & being heard was the main message here, be it parents or therapists or doctors or school. Its atrocious what happened & what does still happen to Kids, but maybe some people just dont want the help & do want to find peace, they just go about it in the wrong way entirely. Im not endorsing that behaviour by the way.
The guilt in all of this was so strong too, & one character who was talking about there regrets but showed the least amount of it, really did hurt while everyone else was just falling apart around them.
Its just heart breaking. I know most of you wont watch this, but if you stumble upon it or think i might watch that do it from the start, so you can be heartbroken too. Its an emotional beautiful & hard watch but its so worth.
oh & hello to Jason Isaccs….