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Well its monday, its a new week & its time to go to the cinema. Straight after work too, to see an all female spy film where they all kick arse & take out the bad guys. Happy days, although i am concerned that the trailers got the best bits of the film in it. I hope im wrong.

Oooooh their heating issues are back at the cinema thats not good, i thought that had been resolved recently or are there so few people in my screening that they dont think the body heat will help me.

I mean im not expecting a 5:50 film to be sold out, you know. But id say it was a quarterly, maybe even a third. Id say 30 to 40 year olds the main target audience, & an even split among genders, which is good considering traditionally blokes slag off all female films if you get me.

Trailers, Moonfall (madness but i will) Cyrano (which has now been delayers not happy about that, i need Ben content) Morbious (yes) Scream (no) so yeah proper mix of films here.

& then the film started… My concerns that i mentioned above, were unfortunately met, & that really disappoints me. So much promise & it just didnt get it right.

So i should be enjoying this film for some of the worlds best leading women, being in an action film, being after a McGuffin & trying to save the world & stick it to the man, right? That should be the vibe as a strong independent women that i want from this. I didnt get that at all. At no point did i feel any suspense or connection with any of them. IT just went along casually, not upping the stakes to much & not have enough of a McGuffin reminder at times to remind you what it was actually for.

I mean they all did their best dont get me wrong, but the clichés as to why they were there & that everyone had a special talent & thats why they were on this make shift team did make sense, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. The only one i cared for was Penelope Cruz being normal, but just by typing that meant that we knew what was going to happen by the end right.

We jetsetted around the world to make it feel like more of an adventure film, but im not sure we needed to go to America, UK, France, Morocco, Singapore. IT felt like we were hopping about for the sake of it. At no point other than to find a McGuffin did we need to be in so many different places.

The script was not good & it was not a well paced film either. It could have been done in 90 mins this film, we did a lot of talking & random hanging about at time, where it was just like yea we get it do we have to explain this in laymen’s terms every time people. Nah, first time yes, second time maybe, sixth nope i dont need every single plan detail. Even at the end rounding things off should have been done so much smoother.

The twist, was more easy to see than Red Notice, that is saying a lot. It was so easy & predictable as to what was going to happen & what was going to go down after 10mins of the film that it made the next 90mins before the last 10 pedestrian. Dont give that amount away at the start film please.

The best moment in the film was when Sebastian Stan grabbed someone, pulled them round a corner, threw them against the wall in a seriously sexy suit & smouldered at them. Seriously that was the best moment in the film. It shouldnt have been, i never should have been, but it grabbed my attention as i wished he would do that to me to save me from watching anymore of the film. That says a lot about this film that this was the best thing in it.

I will easily forget by April that i have seen this film. Its not even going to go down as a popcorn film. Its just going to go down as here was a film that tried but failed to meet its objective. We do want some mid level & new action films people who make films, but please dont give up the plot so easily & please make us actually care about the people in it, then we will enjoy it more & come out saying yea that was good & not mehhhh.

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