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I was meant to see this film almost 2 weeks ago, it was all booked & ready to go & then came the the new Variant & i decided not cancel my seat to see this. Spending Christmas with all of my family & friends was much more important than going to see a film. So now christmas is over, its time to go & see my friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, on 27 December 12 days after i should have gone.

So when i booked my seat to see this on christmas morning there was me & 4 other people going to the screening. By the time i got there at 4:10, well lets just say that 4 was a number…. the number of seats that were still empty. Yeah i know. One of them was next to me which was nice, but yea everyone was there. Someone actually in the row behind me tapped me on the shoulder & asked me if i was okay as i was on my own & i said i’m fine i do this at least once a week. & then when they saw the unlimited advert they tapped me on the shoulder again & went actually yea thats very clever of you.

Trailers, Moonfall which was a new trailer for it but looks like its a b list film, but might be fun, the 355, which again looks fun, Sing 2 (maybe) & Sonic 2 (definitely) cant wait for a bit of tales.

& then the film started… & i have so much to say about this film but cant say a thing, everyone else kept it quite for me so i need to stay shh for everyone else. I mean it does mean muting on twitter & Instagram works as i didnt know a few things other than something we all guessed at the start.

So many films in 2021 have had nostalgia or reboots or remixed & revivals in 2021, & so many have got it wrong. This one balances & deal with it so well along with keeping it relevant & current. It just works & every second felt fresh & exciting & you didnt know what you were going to get next.

Willam Dafoe…. my inner child was worried he would be in it for one scene & then go, but no the man nailed it. I got a lot of green goblin for my money & i was very very happy about that. I mean the other retro villains were cool too, but as a green goblin fan im so glad it was more than a quick pop to see him.

Im so glad i started watching Hawkeye that morning, there ae easter eggs linked to that, which i would have just ignored otherwise. So i properly enjoyed that.

I was surprised how many people didnt know the obvious people added into the film, that both got a big reaction. I mean a throw back moment to a previous & a couple of other bits got me more, what a pay off one of them was. There was a thank you moment that got me.

I welled up once & cried as well. Really wasnt expecting that at all from No Way Home. I mean if youve seen it, that makes sense. I really wasnt expecting that at all. Especially after an iconic line too, i knew it was coming once that line had been said.

Some of the visuals were amazing, especially from the mirror dimension, that was amazing, i know its all CGI but still, it looked so right & special.

Poor old doctor strange i know hes arrogant but is he ever going to get a break.

Just assuming you will get into the UNI of your choice…. yay that was the most unrealistic part of the film if im honest & you know there was a Lizard.

There are 2 credit scenes, one which is fun but important & one which teases the future. I liked the first more than the second for obvious reasons.

So this is without questions the best MCU fil of 2021, it delivered on every single aspect & i loved all of it. It was so amazing & as someone whos always been a spideman fan, hit so many different thank you levels for me. The only thing that was missing was Stan.

I cant say anymore now without ruining it for you all, so when i get this in the summer we will chat then.

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