Saturday 11am at the cinema, well its my only chance to watch this kids disney film. They arent even showing it at 5:45pm during the week & the local cinema isnt showing it in the evenings either so lets go probably be the only person with no kids to be in the cinema. I mean ive earnt my right to do this havent i.
Turns out i was it was mainly dads & their daughters, which reminded me of when i went with my dad at a young age to go & see the Lion King while my mum stayed at home with my baby sister. So that gave me some proper feels & made me feel happy. But yea i was the only one & the only person with no kids. Good thing i sat truly out of the way of all the families.
Trailers, West Side Story (is that appropriate to put on before a kids u film, im not sure it is) Sing 2, Clifford the big red dog (gonna try take my friend & her kid to that) & that was it for trailers which was like wow thats not bad. I mean we had 15min worth of adverts tho.
& then the short started… Far From the Tree… & that was sweet. It was about a pup racoon & its parent & it went exploring & got attacked, & then later on it had its own pup & was scared for that & then realised it had become its parent so then took the pup on an epic adventure. It was very very sweet. I mean its a bad sign when you are welling up at the short before the actual film isnt it.
& then the film did start… & there will be a large group of kids who in about 10 years time you ask them what their favourite disney film & they will say Encanto.
I was doing so well. I was holding it all together & was fine & then it got near the end & there was the grandmother & granddaughter who realised about their lives & love for each other… & i fell apart. My Grandma is my only Grandparent i still have left & seeing that made me think of her & the three Grandparents looking down on me & were getting near festive season, so i was a complete wreck.
The gift as to what it actually was, was never explained. Brilliant McGuffin. But still the reasons for it, okay yes i get the sacrifice & all that but still, why did not everyone who fled get something. Disney just accept you to go along with it.
Some of the songs were good & there was a couple that were there to pad out the time if im honest & felt for the sake of it. I mean i know all musicals do have at least one song like that, but this had 3 i recon. I mean the good ones were good ( i mean nothing gonna be your welcome or let it go or part of your world but next tier bellow).
I liked the fact she didnt have a power & it took them all a long time for her to work out how special she really was being normal. theres nothing wrong with being ordinary people.
The rats in the wall i worked that on quite early on, When Bruno did turn up i was upset as he didnt look like our Bruno (if youre a Brighton fan youll get that) but hes the ultimate Bruno so when he had hair i was like the hell.
Some of the way the magic was used to show growth & falling apart was brilliant. Especially that room of flowers, it was brilliant visuals at time & almost calming & blossoming (pun intended).
No one else in the village had any more questions, they just relied on that house for everything, & no one ever left? Bit weird youd have thought more people would have know about this town.
The family either felt incredibly close or incredibly dysfunctional, there was no middle ground at any point. Come on disney have some grey area, it exists in these dynamics particular.
Lots of good life lessons for kid to pick up on & learn from & make you think, which is always good for a disney film. You did sit there & go yeah thats clever.
As an adult you will enjoy it & appreciate it, but your kids will love it. Just remember to tell you kids or grandkids that you love them & that they are special no matter what.