I know nothing about this film other than its A Clint Clint Clint film where he does everything & its a modern western. & sometimes thats what i like to do, go into the unknown. So this is a 6:10pm screening lets see if i can get there from work before it start & also if i can that means i can do ghostbusters on friday.
There is a group of 3 two parents & there teenage son, another odd one who was the next person to join the screening after me (always does freak me out when its me & just another one) they also sat right at the front of the screen huuuuuh, & two older couples. I mean when you can say thats exactly whos in the screening it means its not been well promoted & people dont know it exists. I guess that means its got only unlimited members & die hard Clint & Western fans there.
I do have a questions Cineworld. Youve been back 6 months now, can you stop saying welcome back please. Everyone now surly has been to the cinema once by now. I know i go more times in a month that people do in a year but still, im getting bored of the welcome back message.
Trailers, Cmon Cmon (maybe), Silent night (oooh looks weird yes), The Kings Man (yes at last) & West Side Story (yes that is obviously the new we need to do a trailer for this for every film now). I mean it all looks pretty cool & i will go & see anything hence im at a western i know nothing about.
& then the film started… & if you want a proper western this isnt it, but that still didnt make it a bad film.
So Clint is old we all know that, how hes still going i have no idea. Some of his acting was a little meh at times but there were some moments when you though actually he is still pretty good isnt he. Some of his directing & the cinematography were beautiful & set things up so well & just made the vibe feel western. So maybe it time to just go behind the camera Clint, thats now over taken your acting.
So when i said it wasnt a proper western, it didnt have an epic showdown or a run away train or iconic lines. I mean not every western isnt going to have a be careful what you wish for punk moment in it, but i felt like it needed more controversy. I mean the fact that the bad guy was whoever you though it was in your mind & the henchman for one of the characters says alot. Yes i get its a modern western set in a time when Clint was making traditional westerns but still. I needed it to be grittier.
That being said the supporting cast were good & it was a western filled with love & empathy for each other & helping one & other. All the relationships felt genuine & you brought into them & just felt happy at them & what was going on within them. The kids & teenagers were good, & i liked the lack of subtitles & the fact it was translated for the most part, that was good. As someone who was expecting them once we arrived in mexico that was a surprise on the films part.
As i said earlier no real villain, your head decided on who was the bad guy in this. There were lots of people throughout the film that pissed you off who you wanted to tell them to take a hike, but no one that could have actually been worthy of a show down.
Macho the roaster, just sits there for what 80% of the film being carried & brushed & hopping & pecking about, but when he attacks hahaahahahahah bloody loved it. I mean Macho is no Pig from PIG, but at least it got a couple of moments to shine. IT was very funny & kept the film in the light at all times & not down the dark road it was going to go.
The film was about finding your inner peace & accepting your life & the journey it takes you on, but there was a lot of normal things happening too. I mean i get the horses & the training & the crafting, but it still felt like it was a bit like a slow donkey just plodding its way across the desert, does that make sense.
Neither of the kids parents were good role modles, boo to bad parenting. The Kid was better off without either of them.
At the end of the day as much as im not a western girl, id prefer a more traditional western to this. I felt robbed of a proper show down & a little more action, but i can see why Clint made the film he did & wanted to star in it. My dad will bloody love this when its on sky cinema next year, maybe i should have taken him to see this more than just me.