This is entirely Ali Plumbs fault it really is & if it’s awful it’s entirely on him & his bombardment of posters & media & hype. You’ve been warned Ali. Basically the guy on radio one who does the film reviews has been in about this since feb & we’ve chatted about it a little bit so I thought you know what just to prove to him I do listen I will go see it.
I have not seen a cinema that full for a non sequitur non properly hyped film in a while. Screen 4 is day was 80% full which is huge. It was on at an odd time too so kudos to the meg.
Trailers we had the festival (nah even tho I’m an inbetweener) some odd Idris Elba film that looked weird erm I’m now struggling to remember uhoh I’ll think of them I’d say there was 5 in total so I need 3 more.ah Denzel he was on there with the equalizer.
& then the film started… I won’t get those 2 hours back of my life ever again will I…
It was crap. Let’s just get to the point it was not good. Everyone except the Statham were so bad even the good actors they had for credibility as supporting part were being dragged down by everyone else. Except the little girl who kinda steels the show. But yea everyone else is so poor.
It was also to long 2 hours was a real drag a proper drag 90mins would have been enough. & also if your going for this kinda monster film we don’t need your science bullshit. I understand it helps but this film at no other point other than the science bit wasn’t being intelligent or clever at all.
& some of it was overly too generic for the genre. This isn’t sharknado guys come on.
All that being said & being really negative, you can’t go wrong with Jason Statham vs a Shark can you. It was very funny & it did what it said on the tin.
It was mad crazy ridiculous funny at times some deaths when you least expect them even tho it’s a killer shark film & I loved it.
This film is the ultimate contradiction it’s so horrendous one end but brilliant the other. Okay yes it’s very generic & we all know the outcome & there will be some jump moments.
But at the end of the day it’s Statham vs Shark I ain’t arguing with that. I probably never will watch it again as I now know that sharks aren’t my thing but I would of missed out on the madness.
So cheers Ali for wasting 2 hours of my life in both the best & worse ways.