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Time for the film which was the end of star wars, but now just sets up Adam Driver as the chosen one (not Rey not having it & ive said for ages that its all about Klyo & not her). So yeah lets see what should have been the end of the story, back from the 80s. Punch it chewie.

so this must have been a novelty in the 80s for it to pick up exactly where the last film left off. Or was it. nowhere days with our extended universes & cross overs we expect this, so when something picks up like a week or 2 after it left of two years ago we go oh okay were here now cheers. So that is my questions to the people of the 70s & 80s. Did that happen like that all the time? Ive not found many examples of that yet.

I still love Jababs palace, its brilliant & amazing & theres just so much going on. Forget what you actually watch, but theres random shiz happening in the back ground. He ran his cult on Tatooine very well indeed. He gets what he deserves in the end, but did he really tho. He might have been vile & a gangster but he wanted his money paid back, he had a point. But for entrapping & slaving women… he deserved to get garrotted.

Bobba Fett did not deserve his fate. He was just doing his job in bounty hunting & protecting. That was not a nice fate (i know hes back in The Mandalorian & in his own show soon) but yea he deserved so much more than that.

Luke using his full jedi powers to rescue everyone & save the day does show epic character growth. It really does. From a kid who wouldnt go against his aunt & uncle to then be willing to take out one of the universes worst gangsters good man. He did & didnt try.

Returning to Yoda really was important, we had to see that to see the loyalty, not that Yoda teaches him too much at all. Also how many last word & sentences does Yoda get on his death bed. He attempts to pass like 4 times in that scene. & then force ghosts it.

Obi Wan Ben Kenobi turning up even tho the actor was actually dead for the 80s was a master stroke & must have really freaked out people in the cinema at the time, but that guys dead, but hes in this film? good use of technology Lucas film, very clever. & then telling him its the truth but from his point of view. & we all just accept that, about his dad being betrayed by Vader, bollocks. How did you all accept that all those years ago. I know its writing you out of the plot hole youve made but still.

I like Endor its one of my favourite planets in the star wars galaxy, however, i hate the Ewoks. We do not need to spend so long with them chatting to leia & then capturing them & then freeing them & then telling the story before the star of act 3. I mean i know youve got to have an act two in this film before act 3 so you gotta fill it, but it could have been done much better. That speeder chase is fun tho. Yea i could do without the ewoks. Im sorry Warrick & everyone else. We dont need to spend so much time with you at the start, the battle is fine with how they help, but the earlier bit could have been condensed in total to 5mins.

I know im your sister… bollocks love. Why sis you snog his face off at the start of Empire. I mean that is very awkward in deed. & the fact that she just accepts lukes just got to go off to go see Darth. Im with Han thats all very confusing but im so glad he gets her at the end, it was the only way that could end, with him getting her.

When Darth goes to collect him like hes a little school kid & everyones just like ahh this rebel is here your lord no idea who he is but they are having a full on father son chat about life & being disrespected & what its like to be a jedi & sith. & then he just takes him straight to the emperor.

Im glad the emperor is on the death star, its brilliant. Considering youve not really seen him at all of any of the previous 3 films & suddenly here he is on the death star ready to take every single fucker out be it sith jedi rebel ewok you are all going down, but the best bit is that theyve managed to keep the death star being able to work very shhhhhhhhh this time, good on them. Also that didnt take long to build a new one. Who built the flaw in this one? There was no Mads? anyone?

The battle on Endor is good & fun & clever & has so many epic moments. Its worth the earlier Ewok randomness just for that show down. Its well staged & you do feel when you watch it that anyone could get taken out. Its brilliant. The lushness of the planet & how thats captured too against it all is brilliant.

ITS A TRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The space battle is good, theres a lot going on there & a lot of people get fired on or die or blown up, but it is the fact that it is the final take over of the death star & its explosion & the flights in & out with the two main pilots that arent luke or han. Its good & it is still no matter how many times you watch it you still sit there & think are they gonna get out in the falcon in time, where as luke is just casually floating off in his from the main deck.

Luke & Darths fight is amazing. It is the highlight of the film. As much as i am a Sith & always team Dark Side & Vader, his possible threat of his sister is the thing that breaks luke & it is a shot bellow the belt. The rage & anger & the pureness of that fight is brilliant & then you get the line after all that shit & the loss of another star wars hand…


in the feels
properly epic line. More impactful than this films i love you i know.

& then Darths turn to kill the emperor, bringing balance to the force & destroying the sith (in theory i know its changed now) is everything. The light show the echos of the skull, lukes please, its brilliant. Its amazing. If that was in any of the modern star wars films it would ramp them up so much more.

& then the reveal, when he removes the mask… That is so sad. The scariest man in all of cinema just wants to look into his sons eyes for once. Its lovely. How can you not feel a little moved by that. I remember as a kid watching that for the first time i was properly like, what he cant do that, whats gonna happen & then being really shocked that it was an actual person inside that suit. But he dies on his terms knowing his kids are safe.

The finale all of them sitting together with peace now across the galaxy is nice & the force ghosts too. Im glad they all got to the party on endor. However did the Ewok eat the storm troopers? theres a lot of helmets there, did they just all leave without them or are they all in that stew?

This isnt Empire (hell there arent many films at all that are better than that film) but its a good finale & it has a clear direction as to where it wants to go & what it wasnt to be in the galaxy. If it didnt follow empire we would shout about it a whole lot more, but if the previous film was one of the best films in the history of movies, you were never going to reach that high again were you.

Its brilliant & fun & a fab way to end the original trilogy, we even except the plot holes that have been made along the way.


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