In the summers when my aunty uncle & cousins went away we used to go to their house for a holiday as they only lived 15mins away from london (despite that we only live 80mins away, i know odd) but i remember they had this on vhs (see im ageing myself here) & i watched this film at their house. I have no recollection of what really happens in it, but i remember its funny. So lets do this on disney plus.
I mean i can see why i liked this as a kid & im not sure why after this holiday i only have seen it once more before tonight, because its so 90s & so cool & just ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Yea im so living my best life right now watching this its epic.
Like i know how they made this movie now as an adult i get it, but as a kid i was like the hell & as an adult im now like im impressed im very impressed how they did it & how it was created. Good on them especially Lindsey being that young & having to do two roles, amazing. i mean the accent is questionable at times when shes in london, but still. She rocks it as both those girl & i love it. So clever.
All the pranks they play at summer camp & all the references they make, as a kid in the 90s i was just like yep i did that or i knew someone who did that. It was major, especially the Leo chat & being young & having celebrity crushes.
I do question the parent tho throughout the entire film. They just automatically assumed that there daughters would never meet each other at all & would never find out stuff went down & just took a twin each. Seriously?! yes i know im overthinking it i get that i really really do. However, theres was always going to come a point where theyd ask to know more, its just a very coincidental way how they find out about it at summer camp.
Bloody love the butler hes so cool. & that little dance ahhhhhhhh amazing.
The step mum. Ultimate bitch, but does she really deserve all that, no not in the end. Id say she deserves about 80% of it. But still, not all of it. but i love the fact that he then picks the kids over her. I love that. & i love that they all play up on it on that day each year & are like ahhhh todays the day wanna go hiking woman. Yea it proves family & blood is more important than a potential new girlfriend for sure.
The hotel scene is so cringe. Its the weirdest part of the film for sure. It just like okay yes we get they are going to bump into each other stop alluding to it & then everyone else being in on it. Its just weird. I mean i get that it proves they are meant to be a family & all on the same page & together, but still. Its a little bit odd.
The fake date on the boat, is lovely. & for all of 10 seconds i was like ooooh maybe they do here, but they dont & then i remembered the camping trip. But it is nice & very sentimental.
For anyone under the age of 20 a landline is
For anyone under the age of 18 concord is ( although apparently its making a come back)
For anyone over the age of 25 Leonardo DiCaprio doesnt want to date you
For anyone under the age of 20 a VHS is
so many cool 90s references.
I think i watched this film & it made me really ask my parent for my ears to be pierced, which i think they were all of 3 days later. Ahh look at all those holes now in them ha, if only id have known then.
They both have over the top jobs & lives too. Ones a fashion designer the other produces wine. Like neither of them are normal jobs now, let alone the 90s. Its crazy to think that was believable, people now would go yea thats a bit much.
The kids experiencing the different lives & cultures is cool too. I love that, because you so would want to do everything & see everyone. & then the way they get found out awwwwwwwwwwwwww. Also its day time in the uk & in LA at the same time bollocks!
Its really funny actually, maybe its because i was that age at the time the film was made. Okay im not American, but i get so much about those feelings & emotions at that time that it all does just make sense.
It was a very fun & enjoyable watch. Im actually looking forward to seeing it again & getting more 90s nostalgia from it because i so will. Its exactly what i needed to watch & i had a bloody good time watching it.