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Monday evening Cinema & the only trip that i actually know what im seeing this week, as wednesday is secret cinema day. So a bit of Romance from Jojo Moyes latest adaptation should be good. Lets hope its beautiful.

Im the only one, im the only person here not on a date, awkward. From later 20s to mid 50s are all these couples about 12 of them. But yea i stick out like a saw thumb here. Awkward oh well.

Trailers, Free Guy (cant wait to take my sister next week), Respect (i mean its clearly so Jennifer can get another oscar), Bond (still so cool) & Dear Even Hansen (i cant wait to see this with my girls soon) So a right mixed bag of films to go through. Im not sure who else in the cinema with me will see all of these as well, but it would be interesting to know.

& then the film started… & it was pleasant is that a good way to start it off… I guess so i just have, but yeah if you asked me what i thought about this film without spoiling it, that would be what i would say.

Im the queen of crying at films especially Romances or broken relationships & personal suffering. However i didnt cry at this…. I know the hell. I welled up once but that was it. It was still very touching but not enough to bring actual tears. Im not sure if ive hardened up or if the film didnt get to me…

Without ruining the end, the two ending are the best bits of the film. I cant say it because i promise not two spoil it, & i cant say anything more that that. One was different & that made it good & the other was so sweet & perfect. They both save the film in those moments.

Felicity Jones is always good & always makes her characters fantastic & really believable & i loved her in this she steal the film & is amazing. Everyone else if good to but without here it doesnt work.

Its snowing in London at Christmas time AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH CINEMA ARGHHHHHH!

The flash back to the original story & how thats told were amazing & wonderful & a real insight. I get at the time the affair (its highly advertised in the trailer so thats not a spoiler) would have been seen as drastic & risky but i was expecting it to be even more so than that, it could have got a lot worse for them.

When i saw the husband in the film, the first thing that came to mind was is that a pound land George Russell. Especially at the start of the flash backs he looks just like him, just not so f1 & cool. It took me a good 15mins to get over that.

Are POBOXs still a thing? I mean for normal people, i know some companies have them but could i go & open one (checks google) yes i can wow. I mean no one ever writes to me but still. My blind samples could go there.

It was all very stylish & cool both in the past & the present, i like how some of the people from the past were upperty & then some put them in the place, finally something period which wasnt so disgusted in us for taking the time to watch what they had made. Maybe it helped with it being a flash back & not the whole film.

It nice i smiled & when it ended i did go awwwwww. Its pleasant & its a nice romantic film to watch. Its nothing to declare your love from a roof top or pobox about tho.

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