Advanced screening time, i bloody love these. Its a shame they all seem to be on a tuesday moving forward, when thats usually my shopping & keep fit night, so i may have to change that in a few weeks time.
I remember seeing a trailer for this about a week before the very first lockdown last year, thinking yeah that looks good ill go see that when its out. If you had told me when i saw that trailer that it would be summer 21 that id see it & that its still a month before it comes out, id have been like the hell that wasnt the 5 weeks everyone through before we returned to normal (thats what my boss at the time said,{havent thought about them in ages}).
I lowered the average age of the cinema by at least 10 years, i was defiantly the youngest person there & also the only one. The older gay couple in the same row as me asked if i was with anyone else for the film or was i on my own, i said that latter & they said good for you lovie & girl power, that made me smile, shame they turned up right at the end of the trailers otherwise id have chatted to them & they left during the funny end credits so i didnt get a chance to chat darn it.
Trailers were for all of the future Advanced screenings in order too. So Letter from your lover, still water & the nest. In that order. I will go & see Still Water as the advanced screening it got a 5min standing ovation last week at the Cannes film festival & i owe it to Matt Damon. The rest i will wait til they come out. All look good tho. I hadnt heard about the Nest before but it looks like Jude in on form there.
& then the film started… with a long turn around of a month before you all see this i need to sell this without spoiling it for you so im going to do my best as if you are a British woman between the age of 28 to 42, who lived through the 90s you will get this, it will be your jam.
I havent intended to have a 90s week but i really have, its been epic. The nostalgia of the 90s vibe & the music & the style of it all just made me feel right at home before the turn of the millennium being a kid & seeing everything going on not realising how cool it all really was.
It was a proper female coming of age story too. Nothing was over exaggerated or put on for overly the top dramatic effect. If anyone ever fell out or had drama, by the next morning or hour it was over & done with much like british friends do its all forgotten, we havent got time to hold a grudge lets just get on. Call someone a dick for being a dick then move on & then later they will agree they were being a bit of a dick. People get over it in real life.
It reminded me of dodgy bars & nights out & feeling invincible when your younger & just wanting to go & have fun. The creepy guys (omg that bit in the flat is hilarious) who try to chat you up & then you try to fob them off.
Stay for the credits a throw away line early on in the film is greeted correctly in it.
I liked all the flash backs so you can see all there back stories kinda. You all know various people like that so you dont need all of their back stories as you already in your mind know a bit as to why they are like they are. Every character you related to in some way. even if it wasnt fully as a british woman i was like yeah i see that in them or nah thats not what im like when i do that is it.
That nun & the singing compaction are hilarious. Its wonderful.
The rock bank name is piss poor.
Karaoke brilliant. Weve all had a night like that.
Oh i just smiled & reminisced & made me realise how much fun nights out are. I kind wish id seen it with my girlies, so maybe i will suggest it when it comes out in a month that we all go see it & have one last hurrah & then never go clubbing again ( i doubt it tho).
Exactly what i needed on a thursday night. Go check out Our Ladies when it comes out lovies. Girl Power all the way.