Ok ive stopped the shouting for now Very excited for this. Not just to see Scarlett & Florence kick arse, but im actually taking Mama to see this film at the cinema. Her first cinema trip since Rise of SkyWalker i think. Natasha is Mamas favourite Avenger, & she loves Scarlett as an actress so the moment it was announced at Comic Con all those years ago that she was starting phase 4 i told my Mama that she was coming with my to see this film on the big screen, no matter what i had to do. 2 years later & the day is here.
Usually this would be the highlight of my year seeing my number one pick but its not even top for today. We have arranged it so we can watch this first thing in the morning at a local cinema so then we can get home in time to watch the Wimbledon final then have dinner & then watch the Euros final (oh & for those of you who are now sitting there going haha you lost, football did come home & we are bloody proud of our lads). So yeah 10:45 showing at our local cinema.
Time to play your favourite game, how many people were in the cinema with me & mama….. 5….4 …3…. 2… 1 nah no one we had the whole cinema to ourselves EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats bloody cool so we took off our face masks as basically it was only my bubble in the cinema & the projectionist who was miles away. So that was cool.
I tried to guess the trailers before it started & i got one right. I got Bond, No Time to Die Right which my mama hadnt seen on that big a screen yet so she liked that. Then we had Dune & she was like omg the cast in this & then it was the Trailer for Dear Even Hansen…. & it got to the end of it & she was wiping a tear away going im not coming with you to see that, thats too emotional. I told her that me & my girlies already have that pencilled in.
& then the film started finally 2 years late…. & It was worth the bloody wait. OH MY GOD! I know the MCU embargo is still a go for the next week but i will try to be vague its been 2 years since ive written an MCU cinema club review so if i say too much my bad.
End credit scene people so stay, no mid credit. Thats your info. Its important too.
So i said i would let you all know if my theory for task master was correct…. it wasnt darn it. I was convinced they were hiding in plain sight a very MCU thing to do but nah it wasnt that person. So when everything is lifted next friday i will put who i thought it was going to be on my blog. It still should have been Greg Davies.
Ray Winston is always good in what hes in, but for him to be Russian…. nah that just didnt feel right. I mean he was good as the bad guy but still.
I know alot more about Budapest now which when it came up with the place name i was like YESSSSSSS.
The opening part of the film, is a bloody good sequence & you learn so much about everyone in it & why they are how they are. Its brilliant so much so that when it ended & then it did the opening credits mama actually went well its nice to know that were actually starting now. It was so cool.
Some east eggs found early on & i know theres a few bits ive missed but some of the throw back & nod to what was said, im sure that with a second viewing i will pick the rest of them up.
The fights were all very cool & stunning & epic & so much going on. Some times in these film where so many people fight, you think hang on whats there part here, but because everyone has a distinct job in the unit it all actually works.
The McGuffin was actually something useful that i do expect to see in the future of the MCU or i know that it will help to shape part of phase 4. Much like Florence. Shes the future shes the star & considering Florence wasnt the well known when she got this job & now shes kinda well known just means shes going to go on & do even more epic things.
Scarlett is brilliant too obviously.
The sister relationship is spot on too. ITs so good it is like they do have all of this stuff that they need to get out of their system. Its lovely. My mum did say which one is you & which ones your sister.
& i cant say much more else on it til the spoiler free area is lifted. Id jut like to say us brits kept things quite for 2 days in advance of the rest of the world so well done guys for doing that.
I had a bloody good time & its a brilliant send off for Scarlett’s Natasha. More importantly so did Mama & thats all that matters at the end of the day.