I think you get the point
This was one of the first films to be delayed last February & i went oh no September 2020 needs to hurry up. Now its June 2021 & we are finally ready to be very quiet & go a little bit insane for A Quiet Place Part II. I cant wait there had better not be traffic to delay me getting from work to the cinema tonight. Turns out there wasnt i had a nice evening walk around the Marina before hand.
I like the fact that when i got to the cinema the people selling snacks asked people what they were watching as if it was a quiet place they would only sell them drinks, brilliant. Im so glad they did that.
ITs the most people ive seen in the cinema since ive been back. About 50 people & this is a Wednesday after its been out for a week had advance & special screenings & at 6pm. But nah there was at least a group of people in each row. I mean i didnt go as a group but there was a group of 2 at the other end of my row. Every age group for 18 upto 70 was there
Trailers were a film i think its called In The Earth… its about a possessed forest that looked weird no thanks. Old, which i am up for, im looking forward to that & then there was one more (it wasnt in the heights) oh what the bloody hell was it. Ah Escape room that was it. Ive never seen them i will not be investing in them.
& then the film started (please remember before you read my review i am not a horror film fan, the horror i do like is very rare)…. OH MAN I AM STILL STRESSED & ON EDGE FROM THIS FILM NOW & ITS BEEN NEARLY A WEEK SINCE IVE SEEN IT! ITS THAT INTENSE!
John Krasinski made the correct decision to direct more than act in this one which (if youve not seen the first spoiler) he died in. You can tell hes got more time to plot & craft & make sure everyone (& theres a lots more people this time) is nailing it. Its proper art.
The opening of it being Day One (not a spoiler its in the Trailer) is brilliant. Especially when as a whole world weve not seen anyone for 18 months, is so nice to see how nice normal life is & how they were just so oblivious to what was coming & how a couple of things just change everything. A bit like the world now, you dont know what youve got til its gone. I like the fact that theres so much talking in this scene & so much going on, to start with your like shhhh & then by the time it all starts going down & you just want to tell people to shut up. & then to go back to silence is amazing.
The score, oh wow it just ups the tension & creates the emotion & it just gives you all the feelings your meant to have with no words being said. There was one point where it lead to a dramatic noise did the bit of terror & then went & did another straight afterwards & it was just like no dont fucking do that to me film dont make me jump twice in 20 seconds. I was not prepped or recovered enough for that. The moments of silence give you the most Goosebumps tho.
Blunt is always good in these films she always is, but adding Murphy with his back story & whats been going on was fantastic. Ive always shouted about Cillian long before it was cool to do it & before the Peaky Blinders. Hes just brilliant & he is a truly desperate man in this film & its just a pleasure to watch him, especially with a hard relationship to build. Its just compelling.
It was nice to meet some new characters, even if for a brief amount of time.
I love all those trains & all the various different chaos caused on them all.
Some of the deaths are properly grim, some are tense, but the worst is that injury. When yove seen it you will know which one i mean. I tried to explain it to my parents who i know will never watch it & they both told me to stop as it was too grim.
i know its used in lots of films, but did anyone else think Doctor Evil when Beyond the Sea started? thats always my go to for that song.
97 is the perfect run time for this kinda film, anymore than that & i think people will go nah thats too much. Its the correct amount of adrenalin & fear inducing coma. The end by the way the perfect thing to leave the camera on looking at.
So was it worth the wait, that is the question & its a simple answers… ABSOFUCKINGLUTLY!
It improved on the original & i recon if your brave enough & watch them back to back you will need to hide in a dark room for a few days but oh wow you will have such a blast. It really is something very very special. & is the first contender for this years Golden Buzzer. Yea its that bloody brilliant.