Cinema trip 3 in 4 days, yep you have heard that correctly. Dont you dare go judging me ive waited a bloody long time for this. & if i want to sit in a dark room with strangers for a couple of hours on the first week of decent weather since February i bloody will.
Anyhow time to return to Cineworld 🙂 yay. This should have been film one last week of Cinema Club however due to a technical issue they were closed & i couldnt go so this was actually my first opportunity to go & see stuff there as last weekend i was busy & then i have local cinema early in the week & Wednesday well i had to go food shopping otherwise id die, so here we are one week late but we have got here to see Peter Rabbit 2.
Id say compare to the dome Cineworld is a little more relaxed in its social distancing & protocols but i still felt extremely safe & well looked after. I dont know what there technical issue was last week but i didnt see there was anything to much different to when i went there back in September.
I forgot how big screen x is. WOW! I also forgot despite mentioning it when i left work an hour earlier, that they had reclining chairs so when i went & sat down on it & it moved i basically fell out of it again. I looked a right idiot & was so glad at the time that noone else for the screening had arrived. Over all i was the only adult with no kids. 5 families i would say were there to watch it. Different ages of kids too ( not all just 7 year olds which was what i expected).
I love that there were basically no adverts before the film. There were very few & there wasnt many trailers either. So that was nice. Hotel Transylvania & Cruella that was what we had. However there was a huge advert about missing cinema & actors & directors talking about the arts & how everything needs to be seen & felt on the big screen. That made me a little emotional, along with the whole welcome home message.
& then the film started… I know im not the target audience here, but i appreciated that th family sitting in the row behind me laughed there heads off. There kids looked about 11, 8 & 5 years old & they giggled constantly, & when they didnt laugh there parents did. Therefore target audience met.
The film has one huge key problem. Its too self aware. Some of the jokes for the parents wee subtle & did take the micky out of itself but there is one point where it basically calls its self out & Benjamin Bunny looks directly down the camera & sighs disapprovingly. & that where the film lost itself. It didnt need to prove it was that way inclined so much. Kids cant cope with that kinda fourth wall.
Domhnall is once again the star of the film ( sorry Corden but he is). Ive watched a lot of his stuff during lockdown part three the new variant, so maybe im just in a Domhnall mood, but every time he was on screen he nailed it & you forgot about the rabbits. thats not to say that the other actors or voices werent good they were is just he was stepping it up. The film doesnt work without him.
Where was Tim Minchin? apparently hes a voice, no idea who tho?
The Fox is the best animated creature too. The whole keep fit stuff he is doing throughout subtly is amazing & then the mention of cheat day i properly did laugh at that.
There was one joke which i cant remember right now where i laughed quite loudly (think it was an innuendo) & the rest of the cinema was silent. Felt awkward but loved that i got what ever the niche reference was.
The farmers market (with no Morton Harket) was good i enjoyed that. It was full of everything you expected.
There was some bad CGI stunts & bits that happened that you just thought oh really, it would look so much better if it was more real, i know im saying this in a kids film about CGI rabbits where a deer is parachuting but still, you could just tell it wasnt up to scratch.
You kids will enjoy this film & you will go yea its okay. It was pleasant enough & did make me laugh at smile. But if it was aiming for the stars it didnt quite hit it. Lets just say that showing you kids Paddington & Paddington 2 would be much more beneficial that taking them to see the Peter Rabbit films.