Im in an Alicia Vikander mood. My girl crush needs to be watched i feel. This has been on my watch list for a little while so i thought why not now. Iv got nothing else better to do with my evening. I want a bit of drama in my life so lets watch this.
I mean its pleasant enough. It wasnt anything ground breaking & what i saw i enjoyed but then it all got a bit weird & didnt know how to end itself.
There were various different flash back which were coherent to start with to tell the story & then about half way through it lost its way & started putting childhood flash backs & false flash back in with the real ones & then it kind of jumped all over the place a bit.
So she confessed to the murder & then when they realise the body isnt her friend, they tell her youve lied to the police & your now in trouble thats random.
I thought i was going to learn a lot more about Earthquakes, & what this earthquake bird was in the film & why it makes the noise but i think there only what 3 earth quakes in the entire film, that could have been explored more. IT wasnt even like a main point it as just something that happened to be there as a coincidence. The film would have been better if it was called Negatives or the dark room, would have made more sense we spent more time looking at photography & how that is made then we did earthquakes in Japan.
Why did they just leave her on the mountain when she wasnt well at all. I mean thats bad friendship isnt it. I mean its awkward & weird & yeah they are not good people, i know she had had doubts about them already but that was horrendous. I was waiting for her to end up in some sort of hell. How she then only had a little strop & they just continued like she was over reacting was really bad.
No one had any chemistry in this film at all. At no point did you think she was going to get with him or then that the friend was. They tried so hard to get it right but it just didnt work out for the film at all.
When she killed that women on the stairs i though we were going to have a lot more accidental deaths or murders in this film & it was going to twist a lot more so much so that shed eventually kill most of the people in it but nah she didnt & i was disappointed in that. & then at the end she she tells her its not her fault, that was a bit like youve waited weeks to tell me why are you telling me now. Bloody rude that.
The dancing bit in the bar was cool, awkward but it really needed to be. She had to stamp her ground & prove he was hers. I liked that.
lots of trains in this film but this is Japan so… thats to be expected.
All of those photographs that she kept finding of the other women, i mean thats a huge warning sign that this guy is bad news just avoid him. I mean its helpful in the end when she finds the other girls photo to frame him but yea thats a avoid or stage a n intervention moment.
It felt like it wanted to be an arty film but it lacked the supporting acting talent it needed to make it. It had everything to do it, an 80s setting, subtitles, early Japanese pop culture, Vikander but nah the rest of it failed on itself & they didnt meet the expectations that the film so badly wanted itself to reach.
I enjoyed what i saw but i wanted so much more from it. Alicia carries the film but only she can hold it up so well with the people around her & the story. Its a shame it had so much more potential which it just couldnt reach.