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This will come as a shock to some of you but i never saw this in the cinema… i know shock horror. I actually went & saw the other Amy Adams film that week Nocturnal Animals instead & then the next week i was ill & then they were both out of the cinema. So this is finally my opportunity to do it. Im in a scifi mood as well after watching Apollo 13 earlier in the week so lets do this.

So i thought this was going to be much more of an event kinda scifi film based on what everyone had told me about this film & that i would really enjoy it, but it wasnt. So when we wear wrapping up with 10minutes to go i was like hang on where was the rest of the bits i was promised here. The way people had talked to me about the film & the scale of it they hadnt sold it right. Its very clever & gives off the feel of impending doom but ultimately it doesnt. Its not Independence day & at no point am i ever actually worried that either of the main two characters are going to die through out. There are moments of peril but never a holy shit its all going to be over.

Amy Adams holds the whole thing together, without her performance this film doesnt work, everyone else (except the aliens) are just trying to play catch up & arent on here level. Renner whos meant to be her co-lead is a supporting character at best & everyone else under nether that is even less supporting. So Adams makes it & how she didnt get oscar nominated for this shakes me to the core.

I like that we learn as she learns but we actually have more knowledge that she does, because we see the first part of the film which at the time i am thinking is lineal, but actually its past the end of the film & story. So we get the knowledge before she does. Its also very well made out that her daughters death means that she shouldnt be at work & not just an illness or hangover from a bad break up before hand. That was clever kudos film kudos.

I love how its like ah vocabulary & thats how they communicate & it took one person to work that out had no one else even tried up to that point.

The leap onto the space craft was brilliant i really liked that, it was super cool & creative & really good to watch.

I liked the aliens too they were very cool & brilliant. Different from things weve seen in recent year. Back to almost a Torchwood vibe.

My dad did a nuclear testing day i think he brought home more protective stuff from a days drill that she wore in case there was radiation on that ship. I know its a film but still & that later on its just like oh im just going up in my jeans & tshirt now as i know its gonna be safe. Maybe it was safe for you to be able to gain their trust & now you are here they might kill you. Did you ever think of that?

As a species were bloody weird arent we. Oh aliens turn up what do we do, bomb them or befriend them? nothing in between, friend or foe? no grey area. I mean it added drama when they tried to blow them up & then the Chinese’s (in the film & not in real life {although.}) are being dicks & threating to destroy them all & not share their code or language with anyone else. Dick move & proper shithousery there from them.

The fact she has the premonition with the phone number from the future to call them directly was a huge okay were moving this along to get a resolution here was a bit of a oh god really moment. Okay its not a bad as saying its all a dream or they were already dead but when that happened i was like really, were doing that. Film let me down a little bit there. Okay yes it meant she had acquired there language power to see into the future & see echoes of what would come next but it was a bit of a like oh really. I felt a little let down.

& then they just up & leave. no show down urgh. I wanted a t least one to be taken out or attacked more. It would have said more about us as a race that we cant be trusted by whatever is out there.

I do like the whole question of if you know that a bad thing is going to happen would you continue to do the same or would you change the outcome for a few moments of joy that will then turn into pain. That is a good question, is the knowing that shes going to die & your relationship is going to fall apart, worth it for the few years of happiness. The film says yes, but i think id prefer to not know & to live life in bliss So that gift of language wasnt enough to make her happy.

The script is amazing & a mess at the same time. there so much to get into it that you feel compelled by it & hang on to every word & then theres some bits where its goes over your head & then some bits that are ridiculous.

I enjoyed the film, but it wasnt quite what i was expecting. Amy Adams proves she is the GOAT for female actresses at the moment, by carrying the rest of the film. Im not sure who else from the current crop in a world full of men can do that. I just wish someone had told me its wasnt an epic like people had said it was. Say its an epically crafted film which isnt a typical alien invasion, then i would have got what i expected.

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