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Cinema time… but with a difference.
You all know that i will quite often do back to back films, well today i had to for one simple reason. The film i desperately wanted to see was on at 8:50. Its completely pointless me going home to then come back out to & waste petrol & time, so i may as well see another film before it to kill some of that time. So i asked the internet what i should watch, & apart from Mary Poppins again which was a popular answer, my answer was Aquaman… So here i am in screen 3.
I think i was the first adult in the screen who hadnt seen the film before everyone else i there i think was on their second or third viewing & it was only groups with kids where this wasnt the case. Also not many women in their. Im guessing everyone went to see it swooned & now has had their fix. Which is fair enough.
Im really enjoying the lack of adverts at the moment before films its very good Odeon well done. Keep it up. Still had lots of trailers but they are fun. We had Vice, Captain Marvel, Glass, Lego Movie 2 & something else, i cant remember what though.
& then the film started…
Now i should point out before i start typing that every trailer i have seen for this film or review or article, hasnt gripped my attention, & you know that i love me a super hero film so for this to not leap out & for me to not go & see this for a while is kinda a big deal. Everything leading up to this wasnt gripping me.
I am happy to say that it wasnt a complete & utter failure. It was still Crap & overly generic, but you know in terms of DC (minus Nolan who isnt real DC & Wonder Woman) It was alright.
Jason Momoa (ok yes it is his film) but he is seriously the best thing about the film, & he is the person that makes it & saves it & fills it & its kinda like he was auditioning to join the MCU… anyone else think that? Hes an Marvel guy trapped in DC somehow. Okay it makes the film all the better for it, but he is everything in this film, while the rest of it all falls apart around him.
Everyone else (& i do mean everyone else) isnt very good. Willam Defoe is no where near Defoe enough (if thats even a thing {it is now}) You know make him sleazy or even more un-trusting & back stabbing he just walks around going meh. Do you know what he needed to be… More Green Goblin!
The two bad guy oh they were shit. Lets talk about the better one first Black Manta… He was actually okay, but was kind of cast aside & done as an after thought. His character could have been given a bit more grit to him instead of turning up once every 40mins. Okay yes its for the future, but come on give us a bit more to him please.
& then there is the brother, the king, oh he is such a bad actor & so week & nothing to even slightly want you to cheer for him instead. If your going to have relationship between brothers & dont want to Thor & Loki it, think of something grittier, please it was poor.
There was too much oh you have to do this before we can get to thing, & then when we get there dont forget we have to do that, but not before you defeat a but after b is when you have to find c to go back there & then defeat a. Do you get me….??? Nope me neither to many things needed to get to a boss level which was actually the easiest thing to complete. It was like playing Spyro but Nastey Nork is actually like a Jigglypuff. Huge let down there.
It didnt need to be that long, no way, get rid of about 20 minutes of it, it was dragging by the time we got to what was going to be the end.
Some of the battles were filmed in too much darkness or fog. I know you want atmosphere DC, but how about some suspense, not just black & mist. Although that being said that sea crashing in on the land that was pretty special.
Daddy Shark Do do dadoo da doooooooooo.
It passed the time i guess. It was okay & did make me laugh at a few points. But its nothing special. Its not setting the world on fire, so its upto Wonder Woman 1984 to save the DCEU i guess. I mean yay doing it for the girls, but she alone (or with Aquaman if DC can decide what he should be) cant do it all themselves. They have a better shot than universals though.
Oh i forgot to mention the films crowing glory, how could i lets end on this shall we. There was no giant blue beam coming from or going into the sky in a DC film finally YAYAY AT LAST!!!

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