We so often talk about there being a glitch in the matrix in real life now, that its hard to believe that the term is only just 20 years old. Films way ahead of its time & truly brilliant. So lets get on the Ps4 which is now new here so i can watch it & see how it looks in all its glory now 20 plus years later. Also whod have thought Reeves would still be so in.
So watching this now all those years on i do sit here & wonder why we watched this in RE to this day. I understand that its questioning whats real & whats not but its not that religious. He might be the one, but its not everyone that believes hes the one & its such a weird way to get around the subject, so yeah i think my RE teacher just wanted an afternoon off.
I know they are all meant to be harden & it be there projections of themselves in the Matrix & that they are just a computer program while plugged, but some of the acting other than Lawrence & Joe at all point in the film is very wooden & there is no chemistry between people who are meant to be in love. Theres more acting & style to the woman in the red dress than the majority of the people in this film. I mean if thats what they are going for yeah they nailed it, but all the while its just talking that very samey.
I mean Reeves is still very good & does hold the whole thing together. I know as a lead that should be the case, but in some films like this from the late 90s early 00s they just get lost in the film, but he is good. HEs actually best before hes unplugged & when he realises the real world as he knew it was fucked over.
The scene with everyone still plugged in when he freed & they get him still gives me Goosebumps & does make you think actually yeah this is weird & a bit off putting, even more so than the bug being planted & then later removed. Its very freaky but clever at the same time, its probably the best shoot of the film.
Im saying that but the coolest bit of the film is when he stops the bullets hitting him in the corridor once hes been brought back to life. The revival is weird, but him seeing everything as the matrix is very cool & then everything just being easy, smith being “destroyed” (we will get to that when i do the next film) & the other agents leaving thats just cool & sassy.
All the slow motion acting & the 360 cameras watching things explode & fly past or drop with bullets are very cool & at the time in the 90s watching it, it was like oh wow yeah this is cool. Now when those scenes happen yo udo go oh okay yeah thats going to happen now this is going to be nice to see when they started doing this. Basically the Matrix being made gave us all HD tvs when the film came out on dvd in a box set mid 00s so we could then watch the special effects in intense fashion.
I know they are all in the matrix, but are all the plugged in people who are taken over by agents, not just dead after that, but are also then unplugged & feed to a machine, thats something id really like to know.
Who’d have through all these years later the iconic line which would one day be repeated in a completely different Reeves films would be “What do you need” “GUNS! Lots of Guns” i mean there are s few lines that you thought would become iconic but asking for the guns was bloody cool that its survived the test of time, i mean he had more in John wick if im useful.
I think the Rock did the just bring it before the matrix, well i remember i saw the rock do it before i aw the film so if its the other way round my bad, but that bit i always just want the rock to appear. I mean that fight is cool.
I love the idea of all those programs teaching you everything so then you are equipped to cope with the matrix. Its cool, all those martial arts, gun control, driving & flying vehicles its amazing. I love it. The jump program too.
the line “ignorance is bliss” followed by eating the steak the nice background music & then asking to be someone important like an actor is amazing. Its brilliant bargaining & sorting shithousery out & just sets up the character perfectly. But does make you realise that actually sometimes ignorance is bliss, & its a bloody cool scene.
The Oracle i understand shes there, but shes just there to stir & go ooooh. ITs all trickery & implanting the idea in their head, thus proving the no free will point of the film. I mean surely the point is he needs to over come it & have free will but he doesnt rally he just proves everything in the end doesnt he. It all plays out as she said. He needed to have more free will than he had.
Those people having the plug pulled & just dropping dead in the matrix was like ahhhh first time you watch it, but after multiple viewings it doesnt have the original effect, it losses its power. Also did they just leave those bodies in the matrix & outside the matrix on the ship what do they do with them, chuck them to the machines or burry them in the centre of the earth in Zion.
no one noticed that extra bit of metal in Neos arm to take it out from his unplugging, they did everything else to him but that nah they just left it there. The eyes not opening before was a very clever & sentimental bit.
The train station fight & the rescue morphias on the ground floor fights are good. I think the train is better, as everyone else has been sent back & its just him on his own doing it. Its cooler as its near the end of the film so when you first watch it you do think okay maybe hes not getting out of this especially when the train flys along.
Emps in the 90s people must have had to google them where as now i recon Emps are mentioned on a weekly basis.
No way would he ever get into the club looking like that even in the 90s.
It rains alot in the matrix doesnt it. I mean i know im english & it rains a lot here, i mean while typing this ive had to stop as on a sunny sunday afternoon weve had a sudden downpour of rain & had to rush to get my washing in, but still when it rains in the matrix its biblical like every time.
So are you taking the Red or Blue Pill.
This film doesnt just set up a very clever franchise going forward which will continue later this year, but it also has the building blocks for the future of filming stunts & cgi so you cant deny its place in history as being a trial blazer & setting up for much better things going forward ( & some that are bad) but this film being made is a turning point for what people can do in films in the coming year.
Its good & ive enjoyed watching it, i just wish some of the acting was a little less wooden & a bit more emotive. Bring on the next one.