Happy Easter in lockdown weekend for a second year in a row people, whoop whoop. So what to watch with my really greasy takeaway that i have treated myself to after the most stressful year in accounting history. Lets take my mind of it by watching Searching which is a really random not relaxing at all film, but i really really really enjoy it, so lets do it.
For those of you who know nothing about this film, which unfortunately is a lot of you, its about a father whos daughter disappears & has to use the internet to find her & go through all of her social media & internet history & the path you leave behind & what happens on the way.
Whenever i watch this film i always think would my parents be able to find me & work out how to get to me or if i could you search historys & social media to find someone. I know some of my friends could, all you need to say to them is like 4 words & 3 mins later can tell me their date of birth, what they had for breakfast last week & which pubs they are banned from. So i am in capable hands, my friends would come get me.
John Cho is really an amazing desperate father trying to find his daughter. You watch his performance as everything else is going on & see how he trys to deal with it & then take it into his own hands & how he resolves it & realises the detective is in on it & covering it up so well. ITs amazing.
Its a good lesson in catfishing & how to not believe in everyone you meet on the internet isnt who they actually are. I mean you all know im not actually called Popcorn & this is just my film channel & website. I am an actual person behind this im not a bot & here on my film site, twitter & Instagram i am just my film self as i know people probably get hacked off with me talking film the entire time. I am nothing but myself thats sometimes why it is a rambling of a mad woman.
There are so many clues throughout the film that when it gets to the end of it & its summing up whats going on while the detective is being interrogated as to where her body is & what went on, it then shows you what he learnt along the way to show what happened & how they got there. Its brilliant.
She does give herself away by saying that shes off to the lake before being told it is the lake she needs to head too.
I love the fact there is various sub-plots & another story in the background. Including an alien invasion & wanting to be apart of the next M Night Shyamalan film, honest trailers & screen junkies appearing. Some proper oh yeah moments for movie buffs. ITs super cool & is one of my favourite things to do while watching this film after seeing it a few times.
Its just so cleverly edited together from the different screens, to the emails that pop up to the hidden cameras to webcams, desktops, all of it so well put together so seamless. I mean that many desktop items would freak me out beyond so much so much madness there, but i guess you would in that situation.
Does everyone take picture of their kids on the first day of school every year now. My parents did it when i was 4, the day i got my braces, my last day my first at secondary & when i left for college but other than that no more. I understand its a good way to show how thye have grown but everyone does this now. Maybe its because i dont have kids so i dont get why its always everywhere that theyve lost a new tooth quick take a photo but still. ITs the norm & its the norm in this film.
How did she keep not having piano lessons quiet for so long….
Im not selling this film im sorry. Its better for you all to watch it & go oh man with it, then try to explain it. Its got such a feel & is so oh wow & scary but also inspiring the lengths people will go to, to find people. Its a proper fathers love for his daughter.
His wife & her mum really would be proud. Thanks for making a fab people.