i remember watching this film when i was about 12, maybe 13 & being very freaked out by it & very scared & emotional about it all. Now im after something random to watch tonight & this is now available on netflix so im going to dive in, as if im honest all i remember was being very upset by it & the Morgan Freeman was president & Frodo found the comet. So lets see how i now feel.
Its not a good film. This is clearly the 90s apocalypse film genre when everyone was making them. I mean its just a little all over the place & i know the end of the world makes you change your opinions & attitudes on life but still.
I did get emotional but not really over the film but the fact that people were leaving there love ones knowing they werent going to see them again & were willing to do whatever to get others to safety. After the last 18 months of only being able to hug my bubble, that got me, the idea that you might not get the chance to say goodbye to someone you love or just the chance to give someone a hug again. Yea that hurt. I wasnt sad for the people who lost other, apart from the astronauts, but yeah i need to hug my sister soon basically.
It was a bit off that the Russian Astronauts didnt get a good bye message from family. I understand the guy in commands kids couldnt say bye as they were busy trying to save the people on earth but still. Everyone else got a message but not the russian guy. thats not fair.
John Favreau is in this film & then hes the one that gets killed off & thrown into space. boooo. Not good. I mean a nice surprise that suddenly the man we have to thank for giving us iron man is in this film, but we dont spend long enough with him before he dies to care that he is untethered.
Did all offices in the 90s have crashes for kids. I mean im sure that little girl almost has as many plot points as the actual comet. I mean its nice that she gives up her spot for the mum & her kid but still.
I know if you know your going to die people want to get it over with & ye the reunion with the dad was nice that they finally felt that connection at the end, but did you really have to go to the beach… seriously film. Thats just doing it for the hell of it.
The CGI wave & toppling of the building was ridiculous. Its so bad & its so 90s you just sit there & go well clearly the budget went on freeman & the anti gravity chamber. It just looks awful.
Freeman at the time being president must have been so huge to see a black man fictionally be in the white house, i know it was when it was David Palmer 7 years later, so i can see why that was like wow. But now after having President Obama & current VP Harris, its impact is lost slightly. I do like that by the time hes delivering the final were all gonna die speech hes basically in his comfys going well noone cares what i look like now they dont expect m in my sunday best.
Did noone check to make sure that kid wasnt dead. Surly theyd have worked it out & that there was only one body in that car.
How did no one else work out all of this was going on & it was one bad journalists stumbling that did it. No one else had worked it out at all which i thought was a bit like hang on. I mean if it was today i think wed all be able to work it out or the leek would be so huge its couldnt be contained.
The plot was very very slow & then the huge kaboom just seemed to go on for quite a while before having a mass impact too.
Im glad i wanted it again but its nothing to shout from the roof tops again. IT just showed me the 90s end of the world films were made 2 a penny & their cgi wasnt very good. It did make me appreciate how much i want to hug everyone & tell them all in person how much ive missed them in the last year.