2021 & weve switched our quiz nights up for a bit. Someone will be hosting a week each on a certain topic or theme. Jess picked Erin Brockovish this week as a film we all need to watch so that is what we are going to do. Im really looking forward to this.
I couldnt get my head around one thing really & that was Aaron Eckharts hair & beard. OMG its so out there & mad. I was just sitting there looking at it when every he appeared on the screen & went hang on how is Harvey Dent looking like this. IT really really messed with my head.
Julia Roberts was bloody fabulous as Erin she really was, she had a lot of dialogue to deliver & be so convincing in the role & knowing what she knew that it was just such a work load. She really did deserve her Oscar for this. Its one of those performances that well were all watching it 21 years later, so it is that bloody good.
Albert Finney. Bless him. I still dont trust him after Bourne, i mean he got M killed in skyfall too, but wow hes brilliant as the no nonsenses lawyer.
At no point did the film feel dated. Ive seen a few late 90s early 00s film recently where you just think oh wow thats now really bad & awkward to watch. I know it helps that its set back in the 80s so a period thats not to period is always good, but it helps to the reality of it. All the outfits were epic, so was the hair.
I love a legal drama or court drama, i always feel like you are in on the side of the legal team & that you learn a lot while you watch it. Theres a lot of talk & a lot going on but the fact that Erin is a normal person is amazing.
I love that the real Erin is in the film as the waitress thats so brillaint.
Some of the peoples stories about how they are ill are so heart breaking, they really are & it really does become a crusade. You do sit there going dont drink the water peoples no no no.
I just felt really righteous & happy when it got to the end & how in real life & not just the film she really did make a difference to peoples life.
It is a modern classic its truly wonderful & i so well acted by everyone just one of those yea ive watching this film & i really really enjoyed it experiences.
Watch it peoples.