Thursday night cinema, straight after work & its a short film so i will get home in time for dinner. Happy days.
I do have a confession though ive never seen any of the previous Bill & ted films, so if you are a purest this isnt going to be a review for you as its not got proper background too it. I tried to watch it online but none of the originals are on netflix or sky cinema & screen junkies havent done a catch up video which i usually do. So im in the dark here.
There was about 20 people in the cinema which is pretty good. But there was a family of 5 with little kids like all under the age of 12… okay yea its a PG but come on thats stupid.
PG films have no film trailers…. what!!! NOT EVEN SOUL!!! Livid.
& then the film started… Well it was meh…
It wasnt laugh out loud funny, it was fun at time but it was more stupid humor, it wasnt clever. There was one moment where i properly laughed out loud when a cameo happened.
I found it very predictable if im honest. I worked out what was going to happen about 5 minutes in & then spent the rest of the film going why are we not at this place yet.
I like the going back through time to get the different people in the band was good. The initial bit where they needed one person to impress another was cool but that it just got odd & strange.
I didnt get the bit with Death. That was random. Guessing Death was more key to the first two films but for a casual observer it just felt a little meh.
I liked the robot who grew a conscience he was cool, but he needed more character development. Once he got interesting he then left the film. Seriously what was the point in that.
Im sure i would of found it more enjoyable if i had seen the other 2 but nah this wasnt for me. At least ive seen it tho. Sorry to the devotees this wasnt my cuppa tea.