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i have set an alarm to get up to go to the cinema this morning, its a bank holiday weekend so i have extra sleep anyhow. However my phone is getting text messages on a saturday at 9:40am… before my alarm. Its from my sister it must be important… today is 29th August 2020… Chadwick Boseman has died over night… god im feeling sooooo sad. What an inspiration that man was. He told the next generation they too can be superheroes or whatever they want to be in life. His work outside of acting is inspiring, before you even get to his performances. He will be missed and the world will be a sadder without him. One of the best smiles in Hollywood has gone. WAKANDA FOREVER!

Life does move on though, so it turned out i didnt need to set an alarm, lets go to the cinema for 11:50am on a saturday shall we.

Is there only one set of adverts no before films… im getting very bored of them… except one. The new I Love Cinema Advert, which when Chadwick appeared the whole cinema went awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww at. It is the perfect welcome back to cinema advert i really like it. Find it on youtube people.

There was about 12 other people in screen 8 with me to go awww at that. Everyone around my age if im honest. IT was a preview for Unlimited fans by the way in advance of it being released.

Trailers, Black Widow (yesss) Saint Maud (nope bit to weird) & Kings Men (which has now been delayed again argh).

& then the film started… if the film had come out when it was supposed to it would of been a hit & been epic, but due to whats happened & the constant delays & things that have happened its a bit of a mess.

What a way to introduce a new set of mutants and let us see who they all are & their powers & why they are like what they are. That was very good. It would be nice to see where they go next but now as disney own this & how they have treated this film they arent going to put money into the franchise are they with the MCU knocking about. Shame huge shame. It just makes the whole film a waste of time if im honest.

It did try to be 6 things at once
1) a coming of age story
2) horror
3) Marvel
4) a series of films to start a new franchise
5) to make stars out of its cast
6) sisters doing it for themselves
because it trys to be to much it fails to properly cover them all it really does.
I jumped once in a horror comic book film. All the people its trying to make stars are now already stars for example Anya Taylor Joy we know she owns that role of outcast bitch whos a bit of a wimp, its her thing. So seeing her do it in this you sit there & go oh i know shes going to be good at this so its no surprise when she is. I liked her happy place that was cool.

The monsters when they do eventually arrive are all a little lackluster. & they mention the Essex corporation, but not enough for people who have no idea to even go what is it. As i know what it is i get it but as a new person who may see this they will have a lot of questions. Also the baddie in it was very weak & poor & a film like this is only as good as your bad guy. Im not asking for Ben or Cilliant or Tom to be in this but someone with a bit more grit & creepiness would have been more realistic & true to it.

It wasnt extreme enough for this either. I know MCU & DC spoil us with the OTT extremeness but it didnt even get to a middle ground the point i felt the most worried was when someone early on threns to kill themselves & even though its early on that was the most suspense in the entire film.

It is a good film when you take all that away. Masie & Anya are good & do make it watchable, but its nothing to write home about & shout from the rooftops about. & you have so many unanswered questions which we will never know the answer too.

basically this is a film which is a victim of purchases, post productions & sales of film companies. It just feels a little too all over the place & has never had the backing it deserved or the time & effort put into it like it should do. Its enjoyable but if you are given the option i think youd all watch the first Thor film over this , lets be honest.

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