Monday film trip whoop whoop. If im honest i am not that bothered about this film. Im seeing it because its on at the right time, its a british feel good film & i can also pick up my ticket for Onward which i really want to see so im not doing a mad rush tomorrow & can walk straight into the cinema at 5:15 as the moon man goes 3 2 1.
Screen 1 had two older ladies sitting in there when i arrived near the front to, who looked at me judgingly like oh why is she here to see this. Another two older ladies then also arrived & then 1 person with 3 people in wheelchairs & that was it for screen 1. The second biggest seating screen at my odeon had 9 people in it.
Trailers we had an odd basket ball one with Ben Affleck, Misbehaviour, No Time to Die (thats still awkward to see if im honest) & something else very bland & safe, it wasnt westside story or in the heights i cant remember. It wasn’t even the Dan Stevens film with Dench.
& then the film started… its a sweet nice film however there is gigantically large issue with this film which means it misses the point.
This film is based on the Military Wives Choir. A TV show we all watched here in the UK, a TV show which we went through all the emotions of with them for however many weeks it was. It was all set up by Gareth Malone, legend extraordinaire & all round nice guy. He wasnt in it at all. Normally people like that you expect a camoe, or someone else playing that part or them to actually play that role. Nothing. He wasnt even a random person at the Albert Hall. He is the whole fucking point of this film. He really is. No Malone, no Choir & you’ve just written him out of the story. Shame on you film shame on you. That is why im not recommending this film to anyone, it misses the point.
It was all infighting & biccering & bitching behind peoples back which yes it does happen in real life that you slag someone off & there maybe one moment when someone who shouldnt hear it does. But in this its all the time & its over played. Its basically bullying between a few of the main characters & its not nice to watch. I understand that they put there differences aside & understand the true meaning of what they do but its a little overkill.
I wanted it to be a little more emotional that it was, when there is death or loss or fear none of those bit made me want to cry. It was only one bit at the end that did make a few tears drop but not enough to emotionally ruin me.
There were some bits made more dramatic obviously & some bits toned down or added to to add to the drama & fluff it up a little. I know it has to do that its a film, but some you could see coming a mile off.
The one that did have you on the edge of your seat was when they turned up to deliver the bad news to someone & you were trying to work out exactly which door they were going to go to & whos world was upside down.
Once again it felt a little shallow & self righteous this film. Stop making these films people. Stop making characters look down on you as the viewer.
If you dont know the story you will enjoy this & think aww thats sweet & nice. But if you do dont, its not worth your time & effort. Go watch the real thing on iplayer with Gareth, thats worth more of your time than this film is.