Friday night is very quickly becoming my award season film night if im honest, & at the moment this one is the favourite to get all the awards. Time to see how clever 1917 really is & if its worthy of that little golden statue.
Screen 5, you know youve made it when your in screen 5 or 1 at the odeon they are huge screens & you just sit there thinking wow. However at the price for a non limitless member of £13.25 for a ticket… thats stupid & ridiculous & odeon need to have a look at themselves for that. I was going to treat my pops & then saw how much it was & then he saw how much it was & he said he would wait til it was cheaper or go see it elsewhere.
I was also the youngest person in the cinema for the 5pm showing of the film, by quiet away. Id say the majority were people my parents ages & above. Not many people under the age of 45 if im honest.
Trailers were Bond (which i am starting to get hacked off with now if im honest, it was good first time on the big screen but if you are going to be on before every single film now until April i may go mad), Beautiful day in the neighbourhood, richard jewell, Bombshell & Military wives. Thats a lot of trailers & there was a lot of adverts too. Over all from the man goin hello to the moon man disappearing it was 35 minutes. I dont need to watch 35 minutes worth of adverts & trailers please piss off with them like right now. I’m already in your cinema no need to tell me to see it on the big screen thats what im doing argh.
& then the film started… yea thats worthy, thats a really worthy film. The Academy will adore it.
The attempt in trying to do it all in 1/2 takes is stunning. Seriously the best cinematography i have ever seen. If it is all fixed together it is so clever how it does it, there are natural points where it can like a linger on a rock of some grass or the darkness coming in, but to make it all look like it happened in one go wow. Thats worth something. Its beautiful art it really is.
In the trailer the guy runs at the camera (not a spoiler) but this whole bit of the film with this run is just so inspiring & provoking & beautiful & made me cry soooooooooooo much. Its the best bit of the entire film it really is. Its only what 70 seconds long, but its probably some of the best 70 seconds of film you will see in 2019. Anyone with a dry eye after that is heartless.
The subject matter is what hits home & makes you emotional about the characters & that we should be grateful to these brave men every single day of our lives. The story is simple but its the little things in the story & the heart & soul that gets you involved. & thats what makes you cry & become a blubbering mess. I cried 3 times.
The mirror image is amazing, but then when i worked out we were getting it wen oh really. Its only now looking back at the symmetry that i appreciate it. Sitting in the cinema as they did it i went oh really were ending on the flip of the start. But now i get it because of the poeticness.
Correct big star cameos for all of 3mins each, all completely worth it, all nailed it, all made it all the more real. Best one was Pete from Gavin & Stacey though.
There’s a Song in it which ruined me. It really did. I just sat there & hugged my empty coffee cup in sadness & paused & thought & cried. It was perfect, & it was nice to slow down for a bit & just reflect, which i do think we all need to do a bit more of in life in all subject matters not just the past.
It was a war film so there were some stunts & moments where explosions effects & stuff going bang had to happen. The lighting in that village was a highlight. That being said some of that village scene, was a complete waste of time & i dont think we needed it. It gave us something to care about for 10minutes that we never needed to know again. I know war effects everyone, but it didnt need to drag that on.
Theres a bit with a hand which is just omg ewwwwwwwwwwwwww when you see it you will know it, not the first bit but the second.
It is a stunning the film the craftsmanship & filming editing to make it all one continuous piece with no cuts, its properly oscar & bafta lovie film. They will vote for it & i fully expect in 4 weeks time for that name to come out of the envelope.
I really enjoyed it as a piece of art & a cepture of time & it was very emotional & stunning. It is a moment in cinema & one we should be so proud of Sam for pulling off.