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Back from holiday peoples whoop bring on some film madness for you all hehe. & return with a bang back into Oscar season & one that’s tipped hotly to do very very well indeed. Time to see what the Farewell has to offer.

No one apart from me was in screen 8 for ages. Eventually another 9 people came in, but they have finally replaced all their chairs in there & it now has purple lights very swish.

Trailers Judy, Sorry we missed you, Cats… & the one that mattered JOJO FUCKING RABBIT!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously the rest of you except Tenet can jog on. Taika requires my attention as Hitler & nothing else in my little world matters right now. Seriously excited to see this film hurray up January 3rd please please please… sorry I’ll calm down now.

& then the film started… So you know how when i wrote my review about The Shiny Shrimps about how some films are pure & honest & some are made to just win oscars & be talked about but do nothing for you… this one has just been made for award season & nothing else.

Please dont call me heartless for that. I am an emotional person & after having a big emotional year with lots of big events happening or still to come i was ready to cry my eyes out & go on such an emotional rollercoaster with this film i really was. nope it just didnt connect. I’m really sorry to say that & i so wanted to love it & enjoy it the way everyone else seems to have done, but i just didnt. I left the cinema feeling a little hollow.

I know the point was they had to stay strong for their Nai Nai & not be emotional but almost all of the cast looked like they were putting nothing into their performance & it just felt shallow.

That being said Awkwafina was fabulous & maybe because she got emotional & had a strong stance against everything, you got behind her more. Shes good but shes not good enough to hold it all on her own yet, she needs someone else to bounce off to become mesmerising.

There were some bits of the film where it was just very awkward & felt far to falsified & fake, both in story & performance. & if thats the way the film was meant to be presented it didnt work at all.

We spent far to long on wide shots & staring into the background & scenery we didnt need to spend 5 minutes on 1 minute was more than plenty.

We had lots of shade but not enough light in it to counteract it. I thought we would have some more funnier family moments but apart from kung fu yoga theres wasnt any.

I guess the underlying message & moral was clear in the film even if you didnt agree with it in some respects. It stayed true to that, but even then you were just sitting there going oh just tell her for crying out loud. Maybe sharing the burden of pain is more painful than just carrying it yourself.

Sorry i just didnt get the hype & the set up when it should of been easy to get, especially with what’s happened this year to me. I just left feeling empty & shallow & not full of hope or passion.

Well at least its one film i dont have to worry about for picking up best film in february.

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