Pretty sure the Odeon started missing me at the cinema its been over a week now since my last visit. I see this as prep for them when i go away on holiday in the next few weeks hence im now trying to get as many trips in before i go. But im back & im here for an Indie Music film… Because we havent had any films like this at all in the last 12 months no no no…. Hmmmmmm
Going to rant now & its not the films fault. So Screen 2 at the odeon has my seat in it. Seriously its amazing. Its got a fake end to the row, so you can put your coat & bag at the end of it without it being in anyone’s way or yours. You’re inline with the premier expensive seats. Its on a curved wall so the surround sound is even more authentic & its underneath the heating unit so in the winter it warm & summer its super cool. Seriously if i was the only person in screen 2 to watch a film, i would sit in that seat every single time without fail. So how hacked off was i to walk into screen 2 on monday at 5:40 in a cinema which wasnt even full, to find someone who was apart of a group IN MY SEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very Very VERY HACKED OFF! was very tempted to ask them to move but there were lots of seats still empty in the cinema so i sat in the row in front in the equivalent to my seat just to prove a point. It wasnt the same. I hope those 3 people are happy with themselves i rally do. Im not happy with them. Id say there was about 50 people in screen 2 to see the film in total.
Trailers we had Ad Astra (yes) Once Upon A Time (yes) Judy (probably) & Angle has Fallen (yes) so thats a pretty good result on that front if im honest.
& then the film started… & lets start by saying that it shouldnt be compared with the other music biopic, based, homage films weve seen so far. one it hasnt got the budget of the rest & two well let’s get to that properly.
The lead in this films journey happens to be unlocked & inspired by Springsteen which is good & there is nothing wrong with that. But if your after more of the song & more about the man & his history & you want it to be more Bruce… then the films been sold to you as a lie. What they do use is good but its just coincidental that this is what it was. In 15 years time were going to have a 15 year old girl putting on radio one & hearing wannabe to help here find her voice if you get me. We only scratch maybe even tickly the top of The Bosses Iceberg.
Thats not to deflect from the story which was powerful & true & did resonate & is unfortunately especially with brexit at the moment, does have a place in the current world. The story was sweet but you did know exactly where we were going after about 10 minutes. It shows the good & bad in all of us even when we try to do the right thing by ourselves that sometimes that can get ugly too. Being an indie film it pushes some boundaries when it can.
We do have a middle bit half way through when it starts to become like other musical films for all of 2 acts & we have random dances & moments all of a sudden & then thats never ever mentioned or acknowledged again.
I think thats the problem with this film. It didnt know which they wanted to do more, be about Bruce, tell us the kids story, be a meaningful arty metaphor or be a political time capsule for that era of uk life. The styling was a little all over the place & even know you knew which direction it was going to end up with we took several detours on the way artistically which didnt carry off very well. If they had made the 4 films separately which i have just described each would of worked (well 3 probably) but all 4 at the same time was a bit much.
The films budget obviously went on the music (& Attwell & Brydon) but other than that (& yes i know it was the 80s ) but it all felt a little stale & doing itself an injustice. It wanted you to know a little too much that they had no real budget & wanted to make you feel sorry for the film. More than the characters in it.
I liked the fact they go to New Jersey but i wanted more than that. As a film which supposedly should introduce you or reconnect you with the boss, maybe going to America should of been a bit more of the film. Less dances less filler in the gaps earlier. Take us to The Bosses home & make sure he gets a real education in the music as opposed to a 3 minute part of the film. At least give it 15 minutes.
So we shouldnt compare this to the rest of the music based films of the last year, but i do feel we are now at saturation point everyone needs to stop for a bit with these now please. Thats not this films fault that this is now the case, but its true.
Its good & its a half decent story acted out well, but i think i get more enjoyment from Bruce when im singing it driving home from work then watching this film. It is worth a watch but maybe just the once.