Film quiz time again peoples. This time for World War Z, which only one of our group has ever actually watched before in its entirety, yet all but 2 of us know how it ends, as apparently it lets the film down, lets see if it actually does shall we.
Everyone’s favourite synopsis time
Brad Pitts character Gerry is a Mcguffin & know everything about everything, hes driving his normal family around in their normal life when Zombies attack. They react to sound & noise & panic & they escape, only after learning that it takes 12 seconds to turn into a zombie after the attack. Eventually they are picked up by the military & taken to a safe boat for refuge along with a child from a family they hid with, the rest of the boys family didnt survive. Gerry is asked to go on a mission with a doctor to see how the plague started in south korea however the doctor accidentally kills himself when they arrive. With a few answers from there but not many, Gerry is sent to jerusalem but not before another attack from more Zombies. Upon arrival in israel they realise they have completed building there wall & the zombies cant get in & everyone is living a normal life. However the celebrations of this are too loud, which cause the zombies to climb the wall & get in. As Gerry & one of the soldiers try to escape he notices people who arent being attacked by zombies, his soldier is then bitten & he chops her hand off to stop her turning. They eventually get on the last commercial plane out of country & Gerry asks the pilot to speak on his satellite phone to the un. They start to fly to WHO in Cardiff, however before they get there a Zombie is found on the plane & it crashes. Assuming Gerry is dead his family & their friend are removed from the boat. Gerry & his soldier are the only 2 people who survive the plane crash which happens to crash in Wales & they head for WHO which is in Cardiff. Upon getting there Gerry reveals what he believe is the cure that Zombies dont attack the sick or the dying. Gerry & various WHO members try to get into the lab & Gerry eventually gets into the vault with various vials of what may poison or kill him. He injects himself with one & opens the door to the zombie standing outside who just ignores him. He then sets off sound noises to distract the zombies who then walk past him so he can get the the other members of WHO. They inform the UN & start to produce an infection for humans but a zombie protection aid. He is reunited with his family & their friends in Nova Scotia which has became a haven for survivors as his cure is sent around the world.
Its a bit shit if im honest & the ending really does let it down it really does. It just feels like we were leading to something more epic & more of a final show down in the end. Turns out nah we go far a safe boring option. It didnt have the guts to i am legend it which is really sad. Thats a much better way to save humanity.
The CGI zombies are a little bit crap if im honest, especially when you see a real one so so close & in so much detail. The ones climbing up that wall are just stupid & just bad & could of made them much better than rather have them just look like ants. Sorry the budget could of been so much better.
I like how he just knows how to do fucking everything. did he basically just do every single thing in the UN when he worked there? He starts off just like oh im a normal guy & 10 minutes later hes saving the fuckign world & is the only one who picks up all the important information.
I lovet he fact the Peter Capaldi works for WHO & then about 6 months later hes announced as Dr WHO thats brilliant. maybe he knew when he took the job hehe.
It so bad that the plane happens to crash in the brecon beacons & its not that far away for Cardiff & WHO & that thye are the only 2 that survive what is the chances of that seriously.
I like how everyone else in this film except brad bit is still a famous actor but not famous enough to be threatened by being killed in a horrific way. Its a fun dame just trying to work out whos getting to the end of the film.
Theres a line about Jerusalem building there wall & Brad Pitt goes but we didnt have time to build a wall & he looks all sad & down & depressed. & all 6 of us burst out laughing, which i think sums us up. We were all meant to feel sad for him & want to really support him at this point in the film but instead we were all sitting there going man up Brad.
Well im glad ive finally seen this. It was on my to watch list & im glad i have & the quiz gave me a purpose. But there are much better zombie films out there than this. This just feels gritty then earthy & then just chickens out at the end. Poor ending & CGI zombies unfortunatly just make this average.