When you give dad a choice as to what he wants to watch… i was actually quite happy he picked this i had been looking forward to see if this really was as good as everyone had said it was & no we are going to see. No pressure Tom
Popcorn Synopsis for you all
In the future the world’s water supply has run out & people are either slaves to the the person who owns the water, a part of their army or hunted as food & organ donations for his army for improvements. Max is caught at the start of the film & is being used as a donation but manages to escape & kinda start a revolution against the water. However unbeknown to him while this is all going on Furiosa is having a revolution of her own & takes her fuel truck she is driving away & loses her support. Max after a mad chase across the desert catches up with them to hold them ransom but realises furiosa is trying to save the masters wives & mistresses who are his sex slaves, begrudgingly max joins them on their quest to get to the green space where there is water & new life which is where Furiosa came from. There is an initial struggle with one of the slaves but eventually he joins there side. One of the wives in an escape attempt is killed, she happens to be the one carrying the masters baby. Eventually after several attacks they reach what they believe is the green space but there is nothing there, just a few outlaws left remaining. They realise there only way of victory is to return to the water & empower the people by leaving it on & overthrowing the army & master. Upon the return a huge battle & race happens, where several rebels & the slave dies. The master is then killed in a large explosion which almost kills Furiosa where max saves her by giving her a blood transfusion. Upon their return the water is turned on & furiosa & the wives are seen as hero’s, max silently creeps away now a free man to find his purpose in life.
Is Tom Hardy paid per word he says in films now. I reckon he says what 50 in the entire film. I mean it works, it builds the tennison & makes his character so gritty & mean & disturbing. His presence & ora is unattainable, & jut makes him the perfect person to play Max.
Im not sure why we keep covering his face in films. Maybe because it is too beautiful & stunning & it would just be distracting for everyone. Too much beauty in a character were meant to find mysterious probably is the reason.
That being said as much as its Mad Max & its Tom Hardy, the film is stolen by Charlize Therons Furiosa. I know i keep going on about needing strong independent women in films & being represented in films tv & culture but this is the first time it really feels it resonates & is for a reason. Shes trying to start something, even tho she is idolised anyhow, shes willing to go against all of that & give it all up for a little small shot at freedom. Its so empowering & when her backs against the wall & its all falling apart its good to see that she breaks down like the rest of us. It is seriously one of the most amazing pieces of acting ever. Its up there with Crowe in Gladiator its so stunning.
I mean i genuinely was shocked when its get to the end of the film & shes almost dead, that really shocked me that they would do that & really was worried she was going to go. She had to return home as the anti hero. It really is one of those performances that grabs you.
Kudos to Nicholas Hoult too, his character despite his flaws does have the biggest turn around arc in the film & you do want to punch him in the face & give him a hug within 30 seconds of each other quite a bit. He is very good in this.
Those cars & those chases & all the shit that goes down… well its adrenalin filled lets just say that. I sometimes do wonder when i watch a film like this which is so manly, as to why as a millenial women im not watching a Rom Com… but honestly this is much more up my street. The passions, the drive, the editing, the feel of all these scenes & the art work & staging to create them & even just come up with the concept inspires me & makes me think wow. Thats much better than boy meets girl ,boy break girls heart, girl forgives boy. Sorry but it is.
The whole style & attitude of the film was good too. Dark when it needed to be, but also gave you as much hope as the people in the film & then stripped that away from you too. The happier bits too even though they arent you know ooohhhh yayayayayayy but compared to the rest of it, they do make you sigh & go yes get in.
There was a lot of fuckign sand in this film. I understand it, but thats a lot of sand. 20,000 tons of it… thats an in joke like 5 of you will get that reference.
I like the fact at the end he just slips away, we dont need him to be glorified, it wasnt in his dna or make up to be the hero. He lets those who deserve it to collect the plaudits.
& i think this is overall what this film does actually. Its very loud & then just slips away & then you sit there afterwards & realise what you have watched & go yea that was pretty darn epic wasnt it, let’s watch it again.
This wont be everyone cuppa tea & i want entirely sure it would be mine, but you know what… it fucking is. What a film.