Whos up for back to back double bubble cinema… i am me me so lets do the second offer shall we right here right now … I mean after Late Night supposedly being the worse of these two films, but being stunning im not sure how this is actually going to beat it. Lets give it a chance though.
So a quick walk around town & a prep of the start of my Late Night review & then i can head up to my next screening. Why not? Its still sunny out at 8pm too even 9pm the sun had just started to go down ( i sound like black widow there dont i) Its still warm too.
Screen 3 i would say was half full for this film at 9:15. & i would say the average age was between 20 to 35 so for once im in the upper section of the age category. There were some people older than that but the majority were millennial’s like me or Gen Z.
Trailers we had Yesterday, Blinded by the Light, Brightburn, Hobbs & Shaw & Toy Story what a mix of films to go & see. Proper all over the place. I will probably see every single on of them too, thats how diverse i am ( or how obsessed with films i am{probably a bit of both}).
& then the film started… & i havent laughed for as long at a film in a little while. It was non-stop & loved every single second of it & it just made me smile.
Beanie & Kaitlyn on screen relationship was so palpable & just organic that i just sat there going omg thats so truthful. Nothing felt forced at all it just worked & was true. It is the staple of the film so if that doesnt work the film doesnt, & maybe this is why its just so damn good.
I like the fact that its set over a 24/36 hour period basically (okay the end does move forward a bit) but the majority of the film is just on this one day. & its nice to see how attitudes & opinions & beliefs can change in that time period. I know its a film so its slightly more exaggerated, but its true that you can do all of that in a day & a bit.
I like how it shows everyone for who they really are warts & all. Every little quirky thing we all do is noted & seen by everyone. All our little in jokes in our own friendship groups that everyone else goes wtf at. It nice seeing in from the outside & throwing the spotlight on your own little weird opinions & ideas. Yes it shows the good & bad in everyone, but thats what makes it real. Everyone in this film comes out covered in glory for their performances.
Theres are some bits where it does make you work for your joke or pay off later on, but when you get that bit you just kind of go oh yes thank you film for making that throw away bit worth while. I recon you will pick more up on a second viewing. Its a proper pay off. All im going to say is Pizza & Pandas & when youve seen it you will get why they are payoffs that make it worth the intense watch.
The 3 different partys are amazing, but are all so worthy of being a good party & you just kind of want to be at all of them. Im so glad they were all included in the film.Some of the stuff at them too, im sure we have all either done that at a party or know someone who has. IT makes it even more relate-able.
What a debut for Olivia Wilde too, lets not forget that. I mean it does help that her husband Jason Sudeikis is in it & is one of the payoffs to watch out for. But seriously if that the start of her directing career, shes going to have an epic future. Will Ferrell picked well for someone to direct his production.
A perfect modern coming of age story which goes through all the emotions of being young in one film & night. If you love your comedy you will not be disappointed & you will just leave the cinema smiling & so filled with Joy.
& in answer to my earlier question about if it could beat Late Night & was a better film after Late Night was epic… yes it was better. What a day at the cinema i have had.