Lara is back whoop, & shes my girl whoop & i am sooooooooooooooo happy about it WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP see EXCITINGMENT! new favourite made up word that, to quote its inventor all word are made up. This has nothing to do with this film by the way opps.
Popcorn Synopsis for you all
Lara lives her life in London where she fails to pay her boxing subs & works for a takeaway company delivering food. Upon trying to win money from a game of catch she is arrested by police, after she crashed into them thinking that she has seen her dad who went missing several years ago. Lara is bailed out by the dads company lawyer & goes to legally confirm her dads death, but is then distracted by what she has been left. This leads her back to Croft manor where her dad had a secret room for all these years as he was spying on a company called trinity & in his last message to Lara asks her to destroy it. Lara doesn’t & takes the notes to go & find her dad, but not before selling her jade necklace for funds. Upon arriving in Hong Kong Lara meets a man, who was the son of the man who took her dad to the island in Laras maps & notes, & never returned. The two strike up a deal & travel to the island, but on the way become shipwrecked. This ship wreck leads them to the island where trinity have control & are trying to find the artifact her dad was after which Lara has now brought them the notes for. Lara eventually escapes them through the jungle cliffs & a crashed plane in a waterfall. She is eventually rescued by a odd man in a cave who turns out to be her dad. They fall out after he realises Lara didn’t complete his wishes & that trinity now have the information to find the artefact. After her dad voluntarily offers trinity help but can’t do it, Lara agrees to help them get the artefact. Several traps in the tomb on the way, almost kill them before they reach the prize, only to get there to realise the artefact carried the plague & that any living thing that touches it will die. A fight insides & Lara kills the leader of trinity , unfortunately her dad has started his transformation from the plague & asks Lara to leave, he sacrifices himself to destroy the tomb & lara & the other slaves on the island escape. Lara goes back to London to inherit her fathers house & belongings but realises one of the company’s he looks after is apart of trinity & assumes her company lawyer is incharge of them. Lara goes back to buy her necklace only to see the pawn brokers have a large gun selection out the back. With her hair braided, in her black leather jacket & cut off combat jeans she holds them proudly in the air clicking the guns & says she will take two.
& that is the end of her origin story.
Alicia Vikander is my girl crush. She is the most sexy beautiful stunning woman on this planet & Michael Fassbender is a very very very lucky man to have her. I am jealous of him. Even though i love her, this was a hard job to do. To take over from Ange, to reboot a franchise, to be not only an iconic character, but one loved the world over & get it right. She had a lot against her. She nailed it though. It wasnt for a boyfriend or love (well kinda love but not that love) or romance. She did to to feel empowered & prove a point & she absolutely kicked everyone arse & looked so stylish doing it with very little effort.
I cant get my head around the fact that Dominic West is her dad tho, he cant be Richard Croft hes too young. That freaked me out a lot. He was good though, probably could of been a bit more stubon if im honest. His reaction could of been worse when he found out what lara had brought trinity. Even if i had been stranded for 15 years id still get really pissy at my daughter.
The people from trinity were a little bit crap at there searching there digging there planning & there tomb raiding. Im sorry but i expect more from my villain in this. I know that we know now that theres more behind it it was to set Lara up as the ultimate hero in her origins & inspire her to go forward with this line of work, but they were crap.
The race across the boats in Hong Kong is stunning & so clever & shows her urban skills in an amazing way & you just sit there not knowing that she is going to get through it all.
The london Fox chase as well thats so clever & fun. Like you do wish you could get away with doing that in your city. That would be amazing just to chase around with the paint. She almost gets it too.
That being said her escape from trinity all the way up until she meets her dad, thats the best chase & crash & is so well filmed & there are points now even though ive seen this several times where i sit here going nah shes not surviving that shes dead. Thats what makes a good film, that you still sit there full on knowing she survives going come on girl one more you can do it.
The shipwreck is cool too. Apparently it was horrific to shoot & film but oh wow it paid off. The lightning waves & the fear of impending doom were just brilliant.
Who were all the other people on the island that didnt work for trinity? did they just find randoms or steel people. Also that phone worked fuckign well didnt it considering how long theyd been there & there was probably no signal for miles.
I do love the fact that it starts with her refusing in every single way to be traditional Lara & then at the end with the two guns, she now is the hero we all know & love, i was worried we were going to get that moment but we did & i remember sitting in the cinema with my sister as she goes ill take two & we both went YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is a proper empowering brilliant moment that the film just has to have. She is finally a proper croft.
I know people will say shes not ange or the game or as gritty as the original concept, but i still bloody love this & am so looking forward to the next one. Its going to be brilliant & im going to sit there & cheer Alicia on as my Lara for as long as possible.
You go girl you do it for us women & you save the world.