Are all the DVD films im going to watch this year in relation to our film quiz, this is two in a row. Im not complaining last year we had some horrific films. But this year has been, Simons been nailing them. Time for one of the best movies of 2018 & the film that also made me go why have i never seen any of these before.
Popcorn Synopsis for you all
Ethan Hunt & the imf are tasked with finding 3 plutonium balls which will create nuclear bombs, or the persona building them or the buyer of them in order to stop a global catastrophe. After Ethan refuses to give up luther’s life & saves him & loses the balls, they track down someone who has blown up 3 religious sites for information about the apostles & their leader John lark. He gives them the information they need & tell him the bombs never went off. In order to find lark they team up with another agency much to there anger who is there to kill any of them & stop lark. After landing in Paris they think they find lark only for ilsa from the previous film to kill lark. Ethan then poses as lark to get a meeting with the buyer & 1 of the bombs as long as he helps them with their plan to get a prisoner out of jail while in transit Lane, who was ethan’s nemesis in the last film. When Ethan realises he cant get away with this he comes up with his own plan & uses his own team to get lane out, but once again ilsa try’s to stop them. It’s revealed that lane has information which mi6 want which is why she is back. The buyer then says for them to go to London & await further instructions, however while in London ethans boss arrives to say that Ethan is lark & has gone rouge. This is all a set up so the real lark who has been assigned to watch over Ethan then reveals himself. A fight happens & ethans boss is killed. Ethan chases lark & lane across London & is told if he comes after lark, lark will kill his ex wife. While in the initial fight Luther put a tracker in lark & finds out where he & lane are. They realise lark still has 2 bombs & plans on deternateing them over a dam by a small village at a medical site dealing with smallpox, breaking this dam will starve a third of the world population. They also realise while enroute they can’t stop the bombs until the countdown start & they need 3 different things to do it. When they get to the camp ethans ex wife is working there & offers to help defuse a bomb with Luther. Ilsa & benji defuse the other bomb after a struggle with lane. Ethan goes after lark in a helicopter which he climbs into & then crashed into the other. They then have a fight on the edge of the cliff for the bomb dentantor which needs to be removed. They all manage to cut the wires & remove the detonators with 1 second to go. Ethan makes peace with his ex wife & is reunited with his team, & his ex wife gives her blessing to ilsa to be with Ethan.
wow that is a lot of exposition for what is essentially work out whos the bad guy its a double cross couple of chases good guy save the world kills bad guy.
So I am now in shock that i have never given these films the time of say before & for that Tom i am extremely sorry. This is a work of art so how good are the rest of them.
So i love the fact that the films opening sequence before the roll titles, is 19minutes long. That is amazing. So much important stuff & exposition happens in this time too. Its amazing. The message, the fight the flash back & the blackmail all before the titles. That takes balls & it goes for it & nails it.
Some of the set pieces in this film are truly stunning for how they are shot & the scenery around them. Especially that end chase, to get the countdown detonator. I guess making thee films get you a lot of yeses & places that you never thought you could film in. But youve still got to make that chase or stunt completely worth it otherwise its completely lost.
& that is why Tom is one of the best. I said a few years ago maybe he had lost his magic… or maybe he was just saving it for this. Climbing into a helicopter on a rope wow. He broke his ankle jumping from a building & continued for the next 10 seconds afterwards as the guy is such a professional. Climbing up that rock at the end wow. The man is a machine. Also you gotta love that Tom Cruise Run havent you.
Is saying the words im/were working on it this franchises ive got a bad feeling about this line? Well it was for this film anyhow, so much so that you by the time we get to the last one we are all just like we know your working on it.
Alec Baldwin for all of the 10 mintues hes in this film is soooooooooooooooo good. Its a shame he had to meet his demise im guessing IMF leaders dont have long of a life span in this series.
I love the running through london even if most of it is across roofs & in office buildings. But the st pauls bit is so brilliant & across the top of london bridge station. There is no door at the side of the tate to get into that tower by the way ive been & ive looked. it doesn’t exist.
The bathroom fight scene i thought was when Cavill was going to turn when i first saw it & when he didnt i just thought oh my god, maybe the trailers have all been a big red herring maybe it is Tom. Especially after al lthe plane bit that had happened just before.
The chase through Paris is stunning especially when you watch whats meant to happen first & Then realise that actually thats just the plan. You feel really sorry that they are having to do this just to get what they need. I like how the actual chase just keeps having red herring thrown at it too.
& then that last chase once the timer is set off wow. I’ve mentioned the helicopter already, but the rest of it with the wife & the bombs & the snow & the near death experiences are so on the edge of your seat. I have now seen this film quite a lot, in the cinema at home on sky cinema for the film quiz & every single time im on the edge of my seat going come on you can do it you can complete this come on times running out. & everyone ive watched it with has done the same. now that is a mark of a good film, that even after multiple viewings you still sit there wanting them to win.
Lanes a crap villain im sorry he is. I know that its about mind control but he could have killed Hunt 1000’s of times in this. He would have then known he was going to destroy the world & no one would stop him.
Its got proper emotional moments too which really do get you in the feels, not enough to cry but to show that all these hard strong brave people do have a soul & care. It also does make you laugh just the right amount.
Its a bloody good action film which really does leave you wanting more & wanting everyone to succeed. If youve not given it a watch i highly recommend you do, just for that edge of your seat feeling for 2hour 10min constantly.