Time for a Cinema trip on a bank holiday weekend courtesy of my local cinema & their weekly facebook competition.
Every week they put their film times up online & say like share & comment to be put in our weekly draw to get free Cinema tickets. Takes 20 seconds to do i so do this every week & have done so for the last 3 years. & back in February i won so promised the family that with these we would all go & see Rocketman & spread the price of the remaining tickets between us all. Turns out after all of that it was only Mama Popcorn & i up for the film so it cost us nothing, including free parking so off we poped to the Dome to go watch Elton.
Screen one id say was 70% full a right mix of ages if im honest, lots of people doing what we were doing by taking other family members as they were all free over the bank holiday so it didnt matter what time they got in after the film.
Trailers we had Godzilla (nah) Yesterday (yes) Toy Story 4 (Caboom so hyped for this now) & the take that live show beam back (nah i mean i like take that just not that much).
& then the film started… This film isnt going to be for everyone, i should probably start off with that. It is an acquired taste, but if you like Elton, musicals, fantasy & dont mind a few things being rushed through this is for you. & it was for Mama & I.
Taron… oh Taron you absolute star. I love the fact you actually did do all the singing & it wasnt dubbed & that its your voice & not Eltons because you are playing Elton through his eyes. He just is so believable & it doesnt matter that every now & then you see more of Taron that Elton in the performances it works. It was just amazing.
& his Bromance with Jamie Bells Bernie was brilliant. Glad Jamie got to sing too, in fact everyone sang & sounded good in the film. Including Richard Madden, who played the most evil bastard ever but oh wow he went for it in every way.
I’ve heard people praising it as the first proper hollywood movie to have a gay sex scene (or more) in it which isnt an indie film or oscar nominated film. & that does surprise me but now im thinking about it… they may have a point. It also has shocked me that this is being pointed out i mean it 2019 people there should be more scenes like this in film its the modern world.
Mama was a little disappointed that the songs werent actually in order, but i think it works. It tells the story & about what Elton is thinking so it makes sense that hes a small child screaming i want love, but its for his family & not as an adult. It worked for what he was trying to tell you. Okay so not every song features in it but wed be sitting her for 5 hours if they all did. My favourite Elton song is never played anywhere so i like to think of it as mine & noones elses so when people ask me oh whats your best Elton song & i answer they all go oh yea i remember that one thats a really nice one. Its this train dont stop there anymore if your wondering.
I like the fact it was so brutally honest about the industry & the exploits & the temptations & the using of people in it & how he struggled but had to keep going as he had a show & persona to continue with, despite what was going on around him.
The costumes were obviously on point, i mean you cant play Elton John in a film & not wear those outfits its the law you have to & he rocked them he really did. Especially that spinning sequence on the piano just flying through it all. I also like that all the trippy dream bits then always ended up with him kind of snapping himself out of it awake. Those dreams were stunning what perfect visual metaphors.
Basically this is a must for any Elton fan or Musical lover or people who want a bit of crazy with their reality. If you dont fit into any of these boxes its not for you. If you fit into more than one you will love it. & more importantly Elton himself loves it & had an input into it, & do you really think he would let you see something less than perfect? No he wouldnt.
Cheers Elton, how wonderful life is now your in the world.