Pika Pika Again Again
Look my friends who hadnt seen it wanted to see it, so i tagged along to see if i missed the obvious twists why not, it got me out of the house on a sunday but did push my review writing back a little bit. So my bad
We went to the Dome to see this, its cheaper for them but means i have to pay which is okay i guess, im not paying £9.50 to see it. only £6. It was in screen 1 (the big one) which also means glasses for me. Id say it was 70% full which is pretty good. Lots of kids & birthday partys watching it. We think we were the oldest group in there who didnt have any kids, mainly because sunday was a big day for Pokemon Go there was a massive thing you could catch. We didnt. We recon there was one more group around our age that was there but other than that any adult had brought kids with them.
Trailers were Aladdin, Toy Story, Men in Black & a really tame xmen trailer. so standard really.
& then i put my glasses on & the film started… & heres my first review of it https://popcornforone.co.uk/cinema-club/cinema-club-detective-pikachu/ so lets fill in a few more blanks shall we.
So turns out theres a ton of clues to the twist hidden in plain sight (not talking mcu anymore {cant wait to actually talk about that hit me up on my twitter to do so}) other than the bleeding obvious one, but i counted 4 that you should actually take notice too. What was good was while i was working everything out. my friends at the end who watched for the first time went omg i did not see that coming. So that made me feel good & then i explained why i had wanted to see it again & they agreed that my reasons made so much sense.
We have all worked out now that i am not a Meowth i am a Psyduck, he is my spirit pokemon. Im psychic, i panic over nothing & i get horrific headaches which when i get them everyone knows about them because it puts me in such a downer. I am a Psyduck happy days . Pika run my toes.
The bad guys reference is so easily missed youll notice that now ive said it trust me.
Also something at one point isnt wearing pink & then is hehe.
I think everything else was covered in my first review so i will leave it here, with memory’s of Pikachu singing the Tv theme hehe.
It still makes me smile this film im not ashamed to admit that.
Pika Pika Psyduck