Pika Pika
Oh my parent have been moaning about me & talking Pokemon for a while & a film now… i seriously think my Pops actually wants to disown me for wanting to watch this. Good thing is when i get home i can talk to them about the whole film & the plot & neither of them will actually care about ever seeing it so it wont matter that i spoil it for them.
Friday at 4:50 perfect time odeon perfect. Screen 4 too, memories from Endgame, but not as many people as for that. So much so that when i go there, i walked to the back row before the premier seat & sat bang splat in the middle with no issues (& noone came & sat right next to me see the review for Long Shot). A proper mix of ages families, nerd, couple, people who like Pokemon, people who like Ryan Reynolds. A right proper mix up. & id say it was about 65% full too, which is pretty good.
Trailers we had Aladdin, Secret Life of Pets 2, Dark Phoenix, Men in Black & Yesterday. Will probably see all of the above the only one likely to be missed is pets, but i saw the first one so… if its on at a good time i might.
& then the film started…apart from no Meowth (my favourite Pokemon) it was almost perfect, & hit its mark in so many ways. & i am so happy that it did.
In the trailer Pikachu goes ooohh thats a twist thats very twisty… & it was some really good twists that you didnt actually see coming which were very oh yea thats good that makes sense hehe. & then some again that were hiding in plain sight (once you’ve see the film come back to me & we will chat about it) but if youve seen it you get me right. It didnt just throw the twists in for the sake of it, they all felt organic & needed.
Right i will get my moan out of the way… Rita Ora is not a good actress at all. Shes in it for all of 5 minutes & her wooden bored performance who doesnt believe a word that shes saying as a scientist, is what makes this film only 4 corns out of 5 & not 5 our of 5. Its so bad & can we just get rid of that little section of the film. Anyone but her in that bit or someone who can make that believable would be much better.
Lets move on to Ryan shall we. I really want to see an R rated Pokemon film with him voicing Pikachu. It was bloody fantastic, the correct mount of sarcasm, but still really sweet. When hes first shown in the flat & he pops his head out the whole cinema went awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. It was so cute. When he does actual Pokemon stuff as well its so well animated. & there is one thing he does at one point that its worth paying the money to see this film. Its something i didnt know i needed in my life but as soon as its available on YouTube for me to keep i am spamming everyone with this for a very long time.
I do need an actual Pokemon now, my game on my phone isnt good enough. I want a Pika or a psyduck (watch the car scene). Please can i have one peoples.
Justice Smith is really good too actually, considering hes up & coming & he had like a tennis ball to work with for most of the film, he does a bloody good go at it & does really well.
Some properly good laugh out loud moments, that really did make you giggle for a while.
I like the fact that the ending before you see the film isnt predictable, but once youve seen it for a second time you will pay even more attention to it to see where the clues where, which then does make it very predictable.
You do need a knowledge of Pokemon to enjoy this film though. Like certain powers & how things work & what a mew 2 is (not a spoiler its in the trailer) & the capture of drybones & how he responds is brilliant. He would do that to me too.
I like the fact even tho its a Japanese company & its made by Americans & Canadians, it is quite obviously filmed mainly in London, which is epic. Like theres a very british sign thats just been left in the background somewhere & its jsut like yay. A very british feel to this.
So if you dont know your Charmanders from you Eevee this isnt for you but if you do you are in for a treat. Magic really has come to the Pokemon world & if they are making a sequel i cant wait to see what they do next.
Pika Pika
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