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I’m still playing catch up in fact I’m going to see the third film on Wednesday so best get this done hadn’t I.

Yep it’s time for Dylan O’Brian to Save the world again well Thomas actually it’s part 2 of the maze runner films. This is the only one of these films I’ve ever seen anything of before I’ve seen about 20mins when my dad wouldn’t flick the tv & then after 20mins he went I don’t get it & flicked. Please tell me everyone’s dads does this & not just mine it’s very irritating.

Anyhow a synopsis. So they are out of the maze & have been taken by a group of people who want to save them, turns out nah they don’t they are actually testing & using them for a cure. Basically the savivors are now being farmed for the cure. Thomas & his group escape & enter the real world called the scorch, where they keep meeting people who are infected by the diseases, eventually they end up at a reble group who live in the dark & they agree to help them ish. They are then separated & one of them gets bitten. After some more kidnap attempts they make it to a new group of rebels who trust them as the kid who helped them escape is with them. They can then cure their friend who got bitten as one of the wkd doctors defeated to them. However Teresa is actually working for wkd & agrees to sell them out.  Fight takes place & a load of kids who are apart of the rebels are taken. Turns out the first group who tried to save Thomas are just another sector of Wkd. Thomas’ best friend is one of the kids taken & he & newt start to form a plan to get him back.

This film very much felt like a filler of a film if I’m honest. They knew they had to make it to get to the final part of the books, but it genuinely does feel like that walk across the desert a bit drawn out & not as interesting as you want it to be.

Dylan O’Brian is the man to save all future action films & he should seriously be considered for some much larger action roles than just being the kid from maze runner. Seriously he makes everyone else in this film feel like a spare part, especially that girl. Sorry I’m sure she’s lovely but she’s just very wooden & dull & no empathy in anything I’ve seen her in ever.

I know the silence woman committed treason ish & technically left wkd to join the rebels but keep her alive. If she’s the only one who can sort out & properly do that cure let her make it so you can all live. & why is Thomas the most important person in this to cure people. I don’t get that I know it then means he’s special & kinda is the chosen on but nah.

I can’t believe that after all they did for Teresa & getting her out & all the shit they go through she fucking turns on them & let’s wkd know about them. That’s the most Dickson thing in the world love. How anyone could ever then think to care for her character ever again when she has been no help upto that point except for knowing she knew Thomas that’s been her only use. Kill her now she’s betrayed you all & the entire world just let her die.

The music explosion scene with the escape & the bombs & the windows is this films selling point. Let’s be honest here. It just the bees knees & nails it on every turn it takes you on & I love it for that. There are so many point where you go nah that’s not happening, nah their dead. You always think there’s a chance none of them are going to make it.

Leaving the guy with the gun & the bullet was very symbolic & was touching, just a shame it had to do that so early in the film wait another 30mins & do it when we are fully engrossed. We wil then all cry for weeks(not like when we watch Logan) but we will just sob.

End of the day this is still just a filler of a film to get us to act 3 & the shoe down between Thomas & that long haired blonde woman & the Irish guy who’s not Cillian Murphy who’s in tv (he did survive right). Glad I’ve seen it to play catch up but it’s not a classic. I recon if I do all 3 in 1 day & read the books my opinion would change.

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