Gerrard Butttttttllllllleeeeerrrrr
I know this is going to be crap I really do. But that’s why I need to see it… & you know Butler saving the world on his own is worth it, it really is.
£3 upstairs at the dome yes please… you expect it to be full. Nope I’d say there was 20 people in the cinema with me wtf where was everyone (hopefully down stairs watching Thor but that’s not the point). For a £3 Monday that still poor.
Trailer wise we had express Star Wars Paddington (which I now have on dvd so I can watch that an evening this week yay ready for next week). Pokemon & I cant remember the other one sorry.
It was crap. Complete & utter crap. So met all expectations really.
Gerrard Butler did save the world but it wasn’t his story it was the bloke who was playing his brothers story. He is in this to add drama but he’s taken away from the majority of the proper drama & put in space.
Andy Garcia is good a scowling but he didn’t use that in this film. He knew it was beneath him & gave an abject performance. He was better at acting in passengers than in this.. some of you will get that & go haha. Inside joke there.
The guy from misfits was it he was okay I guess.
I’m going to spoil it now so sorry, but when Ed Harris turned up I sat there & went he did it he’s the bad guy. He was abject too not very good & then when it was revealed it was him & the people next to me went really I wanted to shake them & wake them up. It was so obvious he was the bad guy. Ahhhh
The cgi for the disasters were really bad, really really bad. Like I’ve seen better cgi in the 80s than in this. Even when stuff happens on the space station argh. It was like they went we’ve got this idea we’re going to do this this this & this & the studio went well you’ve only got a budget big enough to do 2 well or All 7 shockingly & they went for the 7. Nah nah nah make it more of a suspense & then look good.
We didn’t need a are they aren’t they love story in the film I didn’t need to invest in that & by the time it became Life & death All suspense of them making it out & finally getting together was kinda ruined.
The best thing about the whole film was the guy in Hong Kong & his drive to get out of town that was the only good thing but even that was kinda yea he would so be dead in real life. That poor cat didn’t make it did he.
Geographically my sister would be having palpitations it was so inaccurate but I liked that bit of the crap knowing how wrong it was.
So this proves Gerrard Butler saving the world films aren’t quite so bankable. He’s finally backfired on this one & thats a little bit sad. That being said it did do what it said on the tin & was just abysmal. Go back to making London & Olympus has fallen films Butler. Your better than this.